Tragic Little People

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  • #21951

    Hey all
    It appears as some MPS members are getting bored, maybe the New Ninja Turtles videogame isn’t as good as they hoped for.

    Yes, I am stupid. That’s why I left MPS, couldn’t bear being subdued by such a bunch of foxes. :ohmy:

    And Joe…. you slanderous naughty boy!! 😡


    PS thanks Sasha for pointing it out xxx :silly:


    I thought it was extremely nice of blo-zone to post Joe’s blog all over MPS. I bet Joe is chuckling away to himself like a good’un, he can’t have wanted a better result.

    Curious though that blow-zone is accusing everyone else of exactly what he is doing himself isn’t it?

    What a complete dickwad.




    as Cindy would put it!



    Anyone got a link to joe’s blog?

    I’ve copied and pasted ozone’s little rant to my blog. It’s nice to have a giggle at his monumental thickness every now and again and I hate going on that site, makes me feel icky.



    see you all at Anna’s.
    bring a bottle!


    Party at Anna’s-bring a bottle

    i hear she has mirrors on the ceiling

    i’ll bring my bottle-Windowlene B)

    when can i expect a ”Pizza” the action.;)



    jazzy wrote:

    Party at Anna’s-bring a bottle

    i hear she has mirrors on the ceiling

    i’ll bring my bottle-Windowlene B)

    when can i expect a ”Pizza” the action.;)


    oh yes a party at Anna’s sounds like a plan!

    Sam xxx

    p.s best ignore anything i say got a mate here, i have started the party already:cheer: :cheer: 😛


    Well of course that entire post is patently ridiculous and pure drivel. Considering I haven’t seen any mention of that site here in a month or so, I suspect he posted that post now only in an attempt to drum up drama to kick start some traffic.

    Obviously he is very disgruntled by the fact that he has been banned from Panty Hog, however, he has only himself to blame for that. Panty Hog is here to provide a place where any panty related service or seller is welcome to announce themselves and what they have to offer. He could have come like many other selling sites have done and announced the opening on the Panty Hog front page and then continued to promote his site here in many areas for free. Of course, he choose instead to spam the member list resulting in many complaints. Those that weren’t around then can see a couple of his posts as Betty Boing HERE in which he says that he only “spammed a little”. Some will recall that after he was banned, he came back multiple times with a proxy IP to spam again. Had he played by the rules his news and his sellers’ news might be welcome here like any other. As far the some of the people there that I kicked off of Used Panty World, they were kicked off due to complaints from other members for spamming at UPW. As I said, he screwed himself and any sellers that only sell there by becoming the only panty sales site banned from Panty Hog.

    We are all adults, he and those kicked out of UPW will have to learn to live with the consequences of their behavior and their sour grapes.

    :S PK


    Isn’t admin setting a fine example to his followers?



    you know what they say… you mess with the bull – you get a bunch of bullshit! :laugh:


    Oh give me a home
    Where the buffallo roam
    And i’ll show you a house full of Shit (sorry)

    Jazzy :dry:


    I wouldn’t give it too much thought Serena. Good old Betty Boing (one of the names he used here on Panty Hog) lost any credibility long ago when he was kicked off of this and other sites for repeatedly spamming the member list.

    What the hell he’s babbling on about Used Panty World is beyond me. :unsure:
    I haven’t seen any mention of MPS from anyone on UPW in several months since I kicked a bunch of “women” out for trying to bring the MPS fights between each other over to UPW (see my post below and on Anna’s blog). Once again, to me it looks like a silly ploy to get a mention here.


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