two things….

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  • #21265

    regarding wordpress…i swear i read in their policies that they were fine with adult blogs…but once they knew yours was an adult blog they wouldnt list you in the directory….and I quote:

    Blogs with legal adult content are not removed. They are flagged as “Mature” so they become less visible across the domain by being excluded from Top Blogs, Recent Posts and Tags.

    Is the kicker the legal adult content part? because selling panties isnt legal?

    second thing…All of you are so knowlegdeable and I would value your opinion. Sometime in May I plan to pay the fee for being Panty Trust Verified. In the mean time, should I not sell panties? I know the point of Panty trust is to verify who you are…but I’m on a bunch of other sites, including my own, and rude, where they verify you…but do you think that matters? Should I hold off?


    Hi Charlie,

    No, I think what they are saying about the blog is that legal adult content (your panty blog) is welcome to stay, WordPress just won’t promote it or link to it in their directory. If you had a blog that contained illegal material they’d delete it.

    On the Panty Trust thing, the Panty trust members here could do a better job explaining, but the verification portion is only one part of Panty Trust there is a lot more to it. No reason at all that I can think of to wait to sell, in fact, some ladies have even mentioned before that they used the money from a panty sale to pay the Panty Trust fee. :woohoo:



    hmm using a panty sale to pay for the fee would be awesome…Thanks!! on to researching how to sell, lol


    I think if you apply for Panty Trust you could then say on your site,awaiting Panty Trust verification.That in itself would be a good selling point and buyers would have more faith.

    just my opinion.;)

    Jazzy B)

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