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  • #4001

    Ahoy there, ye lily-livered landlubbers!? Arrrghh!? International Talk like a Pirate Day be comin’ fast upon us – September 19th be almost here already!? Practicin is what ye better be, an a swabbin’ them poop-decks!

    Ye’ll be wantin ta lean how ta talk like a pirate now, I spect, so’s ye can join in gettin loaded to th’gunwales an splittin the booty w’the rest o’ yer mateys, an not gettin keelhauled by them wicked panty wenches!

    Here be the place to click, to find out more:

    Cherie, yer swashbucklin panty-wench!


    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

    I clicked that link and it took me to some page about removing objects from people’s asses. I was excited about learning about some pirate stuff. Is that the wrong link, or am I just really missing the joke?

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:


    No, Wetlips, my apologies – I mixed up the links.? ?:rolleyes:

    I’ve fixed it now.


    p.s.? For anybody who’s interested, the link I mistakenly put in was to this site: http://www.well.com/www/cynsa/newbutt.html? where you can learn far more than you ever wanted to know about the odd things people have put in their bums.

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