While I’d like to say that the viewing of the results for several hours this morning was done on purpose for some grand sociological experiment, the truth is that I fell asleep :buck2: at my computer last night in mid-settings. When I woke up, I crawled into bed without realizing that working link was still active. As you have noticed, this has now been fixed. The link is gone, and even those that bookmarked the results page will find it closed off.
If nothing else, it gave some people the opportunity to see that their votes were being counted. I have considered dumping the votes and starting the voting over. However, since only the initial few hours of results out of a week plus voting period were revealed, I don’t think that a restart is needed. There is still a long time of voting to go so those very early results seen are really meaningless as far as the final outcome.
As far as the questions about not seeing the voting area after you’ve voted, this is the way it is supposed to work. You will see a “No poll available” message until you are eligible to vote again. This should make it easier to know when you can vote since you’ll only see it when it is open to you.
Last thing, remember that the Awards are here for fun. If you don’t win in a particular category, it doesn’t mean your efforts aren’t appreciated in that area, the fact that you were nominated in that category says you or yours is among the best.
 B) PK