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  • #15481

    I just updated all the pics here on panty hog and on myspace!

    I have been so busy lately that sadly all I have had time for is the updates on my blog…

    So i have now listed a bunch of new pics on here and more current information!

    I think i also finally got around to fixing all the links on my member page too!

    I am hoping to be able to do allot more updates over the next few days. I will be including pantyhose and any day now i should be getting in a shipment of new thongs for you guys! I will be posting them as soon as I get them.

    Also I am trying to keep my blog fun for me and all of my readers so let me know if there is something you would like to see. I have been trying to get all the requests added as I have time, but still don’t be afraid to ask!!!

    I may be redoing my whats for sale page after I get the new thongs in!

    So anyway sorry I have not been around as much! Life has just been crazy….


    wordpress has suspended your blog!



    Meep! I wonder why?!


    http://sensualwriter.com/ just found this .. I have heard that WordPress are cutting back on the adult related blogs.  Back everything up if you dont have your blog with your own hosting and it might be a good idea to use alternative bloggers that allow adult and erotic content.  Like the one above (no idea what its like though, I just found it on google – it does have a 75mb limit though – so if you use it keep your photos small in resolution 🙂


    Thanks for the info Cinds, I just spent the last hour backing up every blog, widget code and page on my blog, been advising a few others to do the same.

    Will have to check them out and make sure everything is completely backed up!


    omg, how do i back up my blog 🙁


    Not sure how someone else would do it but i’ve opened up each page and blog to their edit page then copied the codes and blog title into a word document so i can revive it if needed


    i wish i had the time to have done that:( i dont know what I am going to do now 🙁 i know live journal will let you blog adult stuff but you have to have it friends only and I don’t want that 🙁

    so i guess i may just trow together a webpage or something simple until then… good thing i updated my member page here….

    I just miss my blog already 🙁


    well i joined the link that cindy told us about, sensualwriters, im a little confused as its wordpress too i think, but anyway they accept adult content.

    on my wordpress blog i went into admin and clicked export and then on the sensualwriter blog i went into admin and clicked on import and everything has been copied over. well everything except my sidebars and links, which i can do manually. but the main thing is that all my pages are safe.

    amandamae maybe u could email wordpress and tell them u will take off the stuff that broke their terms and conditions, and then they might let u do that, and if u could get into admin u could do what i did?


    ooh i’m gonna do that!
    hehe, should have thought of that


    i think everyone on wordpress should do it, or find a back up blog immediately, just in case 🙂


    Mine so close to being done now, just uploading blogs.  Some just didnt take to the move because of catagory issues. 

    Think i’ll update both each time i blog now just incase my wordpress gets shut down :(  ANd who knows might get new traffic from there!


    well thats what i was thinking
    since the url is different, could i advertise both blogs, even if they have the same content?
    i just dont want to stop advertising on my wordpress one in case it never gets shut down, but then if it does get shut down and i havent advertised the new blog then im stuck too. what u gonna do? or are u gonna put diff content on the new blog?


    I’m going to put the same posts on each one and advertise them on each other. (wordpress linking to my other one and visa versa)
    And putting it up on my profile here as well as my profiles on UPW I think.


    yes thats a good idea, but what about advertising on blog directories? search engines etc could i advertise them both, or would i have to put slightly different content on the sensual writer one?

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