VAT in SL!!!

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  • #17565

    Can you effing believe it! I’ve just had an email from Linden labs:

    Hello, LadyAnna Arliss.

    We have identified that you reside in a European country. Accordingly, your next bill will reflect Value Added Tax (VAT) charged at the rate specified by your country. Please note that VAT applies to all payments to Linden Lab such as land sales, monthly maintenance fees and Premium subscription fees.


    How does our Treasury get that money exactly? Do Linden honestly send it all in a cheque to our Chancellor of the Exchequer?



    I know I almost fell over when I got mine.  That is well out of order because we are not importing anything … maybe we should stick VAT on all our photo collections and knickers to anyone that buys from us via Second Life LOL


    I’ve decided t downsize if they are going to charge me VAT on something I can’t TOUCH!!!

    I’m selling some of my land and I won’t be buying more or incurring anymore charges – the bastards.

    How the hell is our taxman going to get the VAT back from California?


    Linden Lab recently opened an office in London. This appears to be how the VAT police got them.

    You are selling some land in our sim?  :rolleyes:



    I’m selling in Raczjak or whatever it’s called, I haven’t decided about Bongawhotsit yet as I really like that sim. I may sell my beach place for a huge profit  :rolleyes:

    I’ve heard that big bad businessmen either pay good money for prime adjoining land or alternatively they break legs eeek!



    😉 Actually, the buzz is that many Europeans are dumping their land in mass for cheap prices at the moment. Hold off a bit if you can to make the most profit.


    You’re right, I’ve been reading up on this VAT issue and it sounds as though a lot of people are dumping land 🙁 Let’s hope my potential buyers don’t realise this.

    But I’m the only one selling on my busy sim at the moment 😉

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