A man goes to the doctor and says, ":cheer:ohmy:c, I would like to live
very long. What should I do?”
“I think that is a wise decision,” the doctor replies. “Let’s
see, do you smoke?” “Oh.. Half a pack a day.” “Starting NOW,
no more smoking.” The man agrees.
The doctor then asks, ":cheer:ohmy: you drink?” “Oh, well Doc, not much,
just a bit of wine with my meals, and a beer or two every once
in a while.” “Starting now, you drink only water. No
exceptions.” The man is a bit upset, but also agrees.
The doctor asks, “How do you eat?” “Oh, well, you know, Doc,
normal stuff.” “Starting now you are going on a very strict
diet. You are going to eat only raw vegetables, with no
dressing, and non-fat cottage cheese.” The man is now really
worried. ":cheer:ohmy:c, is all this really necessary?” ":cheer:ohmy: you want to
live long?” “Yes.” “Well then, it’s absolutely necessary. And
don’t even think of breaking the diet.”
The man is quite restless, but the doctor continues, ":cheer:ohmy: you
have sex?” “Yeah, once a week or so…, only with my wife!” he
adds hurriedly.
“As soon as you get out of here you are going to buy twin beds.
No more sex for you. None.”
The man is appalled. ":cheer:ohmy:c…Are you sure I’m going to live
longer this way?”
“I have no idea, but whatever you live, I assure you it is going to seem like an eternity!” :laugh: