Warning China_Doll is back

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  • #15912

    About a year and a half ago I won and paid for an auction held by China_Doll on ebanned. I sent many emails but never received anything from her except one email early on telling me she would “get back to me” about my item soon. After a long time I completed the non sending seller form and she disappeared. Now after a year of laying low I see she is back holding the exact same auction with the exact same photos. At first I thought she was just a dishonest seller but since her photos never change I now wonder if she is actually even the person in the photos.

    Ebanned apparently doesn’t give two shits about her ripping me and others off as seen in her feedback so I am warning others here. Buy from China_Doll and you might as well flush your cash down the crapper.  :angry:


      So sorry to read where you were taken to the ‘cleaners’, but very happy that ya informed us about the matter you went though! ( all kinds of people in this world that get their kicks by taking people for a ‘song and dance’! Big shame that issue ) 🙁

    Take Care…
    Phil ( PRH )


    Thanks Phil.

    Yup, nothing worse then paying and getting nothing for it.  :unsure:


    People are asshats. It’s nice you chose to warn others 🙂


    I saw the auction, yep – same pictures as every other time!  Whomever that is, they are HOT.

    Sorry you got screwed – she or whomever, apparently did actually ship to a few people though….goodness.


    Hi Guys,

    People like China_doll give us newbies a bit of a bad start as buyers will start to become slightly distrusting, and rightly so if there are wankers like this about running scams…the fuckers need a taste of this :knuppel2:. I thought we were all into this to be help to each other, not rip people off……
    Lots of Love Joely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    I agree……Nothing worse for a new seller to hear than a buyer was ripped off.  :angry: I am glad that you let everyone know though…..helps everyone out!! I am glad to see and hear that all of the sellers I have run into on here so far seem to be genuine people….Good luck with your future purchases…..we wish you the best….. smt

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