Read as much as you possibly can about web design, take classes at your local community college and for pete’s sake, get photoshop or gimp.
Never steal icons or images because you can just as easily make them on your own. Plus, no one will give you mercy if you are caught stealing. :knuppel2:
Don’t be discouraged if your icons look like crap at first. Mine still look like crap as far as I’m concerned. lol. Practice, practice, practice and you’ll get the hang of it.
If you don’t understand something google it and try to educate yourself before asking. Even if you don’t find the answer you just may learn more about the subject.
Give yourself time to develope your style and personality before commiting to anything. I’ve been through god knows how many sites and templates. Give yourself a few months to really research the panty scene.
When creating your site do not:
use several moving images
use the same couple of pictures on every page
make too many or too few pages
use hard to read text (KISS, keep it simple silly)
have more links than content
copy anything from anyone, including google image search
try to sound like everyone else
use low-lit, grainy, out of focus pictures
use gigantic pictures that take forever to load (google image optimization or website optimization)
this includes customer emails, email addresses, and your personal address, name or phone number!
That’s all for now.
Happy Selling!