Website Opening Delayed

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  • #24873

    I have to delay the opening of my website because I have lost my camera charger.


    How ridiculous. Sorry everyone. I ripped apart my apartment looking for it, but I think I might have left it at a friend’s house over the New Year holiday. I didn’t notice because I have awesome battery life.

    I hope I can find it or else I’ll have to buy a new one. Do they sell them separately?


    yeah you can get them pretty cheaply to, check best buy, bring your camera to make sure that it fits.

    Mask Man N95

    Well, I’m glad to know you are opening eventually. We’ve talked, but I’ve never really known how or what to order from you. Can’t wait to see problems resolved.


    Annilyn Lily wrote:

    I hope I can find it or else I’ll have to buy a new one. Do they sell them separately?

    You might be able to get a used one on ebay ..
    what brand is your camera?

    I have a spare canon charger …


    My camera is a fujifilm finepix f40 with a lithium ion np-70 3.6 volt battery pack.

    I found one on amazon for around $20, I plan on buying that one.


    Don’t ya just love it when you can’t find something you know damn well you have/had and then shortly afterwards you find the damn thing after you nolonger need it! – Glad you found one fairly inexpensive over on amazon to help get ya through your problem though! – Good Luck Hun!


    Exactly, it’ll probably show up after I buy the new one.

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