What it takes to set up an adult payment processor

Welcome to My Used Panty Portal! Forums Where and How To Buy and Sell Used Panties Payment Processors What it takes to set up an adult payment processor

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    Firstly, software for it is no problem at all, relatively cheap and the same as paypal and Nochex.

    Then you need a merchant account from which to run a line of credit. Easy – offshore bank as long as your credit is impeccable, your company is registered (some require that you be registed with companies house UK) and you have been trading for a while. hmmm

    Then, you swallow their processing charges at between 9-15% and sometimes a transaction fee as well, meaning that the main account (adult payment processor) is being charged at between 9-15% so therefore us as account holders are going to be charged at least 1/2 or 1% more than that so the adult payment processor makes money.

    Then, if you are in UK you need to be regulated by FSA. Which costs ?2,500.00 for a straightforward application, ?5,000 for medium and ?10,000 for in depth application. These funds are non-refundable and are just to get them to take a look at your application – whats the betting on a purely adult processor – yeah we thought so too Lol

    So, thats why there is no adult processor, at least in UK.  We know of a way to run one (Legally) without the FSA thing but the processing fees would be about 16%.

    So if you sell a pair of panties for ?10 are you willing to actually only get ?8.30 for them? If you do – we’ll go for it.
    We havent done it before now as, we felt, that no-one would be willing to pay the fees.

    Dont know about the rules in US, only that you have to be a US citizen or at least 1 director of the company has to be a US citizen to get a merchant account.

    Boring bit of info – but there you go.



    Dear Lisa,

    Thank you for that information!  17% – that is killer!  No wonder so many girls do cash/money order only, or set up their own merchant account.  Le sigh.  The waiting continues!


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