Where do you get / find them?

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  • #23482

    Sir_Creamy wrote:

    It seems to me this website is a typical capitalist venture…

    Panty Hog doesn’t charge anyone for anything aside from advertising…so how exactly is it a capitalist venture?!?

    You are all a litte sad.

    I think you have it backwards, Sir_Creamy, the ladies and gentlemen here have developed strong relationships over the years with real, tangible bonds. As opposed to your “technique” which leaves you alone in your closet clutching a pair of stolen undies. Your relationship is more of a stalker than a used panty lover.



    Annilyn Lily wrote:

    Sir_Creamy wrote:

    It seems to me this website is a typical capitalist venture…

    Panty Hog doesn’t charge anyone for anything aside from advertising…so how exactly is it a capitalist venture?!?

    You are all a litte sad.

    I think you have it backwards, Sir_Creamy, the ladies and gentlemen here have developed strong relationships over the years with real, tangible bonds. As opposed to your “technique” which leaves you alone in your closet clutching a pair of stolen undies. Your relationship is more of a stalker than a used panty lover.


    B) So pleased you are back Anni *mwah*


    Thanks Anna, I missed knocking sense into ne’re-do-well’s heads.


    There is nothing sicker than a knicker nicker

    :angry: stealing is stealing :angry:

    sad person 🙁

    Jazzy :dry:


    hey, what exactly is wrong with capitalism… we all rely on it. duh with out it we wouldn’t have an open market, were goods prices change and are based more on supply and demand. what if there was no capitalism and the price of bread rose and remained sky high even though there was a surplus of wheat?
    come on now, capitalism is the cause of the industrial revolution…
    yay for supply and demand!!!
    and on the main topic, you suck creamy, i hope you enjoy your isolated little world.


    You seem weird but I think you should not steal someones underwear you can even buy someone underwear or ask them to give it to you.lol


    Lets give the guy a break. When I was younger, I did the same thing. I didn’t feel good about it, but it was a fetish and still is. Now I ask for em or buy em. lol


    well dude I suck on my two older step sisters dirty panties while I jackoff…
    but I put them back ass soon as Im done the thievery is kinda not kewl but…
    I think Ill try it sumtime????

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