Where was the some of the place you have masturbated besides the bed/bathroom

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    [quote author=I.M. Krooze link=topic=239.msg1280#msg1280 date=1120926735]
    I forgot to mention the time I masturbated on webcam for 6 nurses who were on duty at a hospital. I know there were some patients who got the meds a little later than scheduled because it took me so long to finiish!!!  :rolleyes:


    OMFG!!!  Krooze, you are a WILD THANG!!!  I’m sending some applause your way!!!



    Interesting Places Ive Had Sex ……Oh this one time in my hay-day I was having an affair (yeah I know shame on me etc etc)… with this guy who had a bright red Thunderbird.? We stopped off in a layby and did it over the bonnet of this huge thing … Being young and stupid I just thought Yeah OK whatever, however, I get off more NOW thinking about it than I did at the time doing it.

    Another time (with the same guy) we had parked in MacDonalds car park and I was giving him a blowjob and a policeman knocked on the window to see if I was alright and asked if I had choked on a peice of meat HAHAAAA

    To this day I still dont know if he actually KNEW what I was doing or if he really thought I had a problem LMAO

    Another time was down an Alley with some guy from a party (did warn u I was a wild child) and I put my hand in dog crap … I remember saying “oh fuck” and washing it off in a puddle and continuing HAHAHA

    More romantic places have consisted of church yards and one time in a major thunderstorm on a park bench getting soaking wet during Summer – THAT was the most erotic!

    Loads more other places but if I list them all I will crash the forum LMAO

    Cinds (bad bad,naughty wild child … whatever happened to those days?!?!!!)


    Cindy I know I can’t top that so I won’t even try!

    Bloody nora! .. The Wild Child Original Panty Mama



    LMAO … Leatherz … come on, no-one said this was a competition – I was just a real bad-assed 20 year old.

    All stories are brilliant …. I love PKs one in a phone booth HAHAHAAA

    that was cool!

    Cinds xx
    … Maybe you had some “furry” fun you wish to share Leatherz LMAO


    LMAO ok you asked for it Cindy, not so much strange but funny

    Years ago in my 20’s on my motorbike, out with my then girlfriend for a trip, we both got horny and decided to stop in some woods on the way back .. nice, secluded getting dark, we’re enjoying ourselves when there’s a rustling and stifled giggles .. she freezes, looks around and goes nuts trying to get dressed .. the woods we thought were secluded, bordered on a camping area and the local boy scouts were there for a camp and some of them got more than a glimpse of us making out? lmao

    I was trying to get dressed and contain my laughing which didn’t help matters as she was trying to get dressed in the dark and refused my offer to putn the bike light on lmao

    Funnily enough she dumped me straight after that? :cheer:

    Never make out in the woods, unless you’re absolutely sure it’s secluded and no damn campsites anywhere near.

    Sorry no “furry” fun LMAO


    Awww, you guys are public nuisances!  😉 I think Pk’s Key West “dance” gets my vote  :laugh:

    As for me, I’m a woman….women don’t masturbate  😉



    OMG, Cindy, you…me…one of those incredible florida thunderstorms…{shivers}

    Time to go prep some panties I think… smt



    ooo yeah Cherie…. I can imagine us now .. getting all wet – everywhere! hehehee


    Let me see… places I’ve masturbated… Does in front of the computer, reading this thread count:huh:?  jo



    Re: Krooze’s new avatar

    WOO HOO!!!  TAKE IT OFF!!!  Hee hee hee!  Is that you changing out of your “boy items” into your “girl pretties”?  😉

    Looking at the avatar, it occurred to me that it’s a good thing it’s girls selling the panties, not boys.  Those boxer briefs look like they would double my cost of postage!!!  bb

    Karen  🙂

    [cops a feel from Krooze]  Nice undies.  😉


    Thanks Karen! It’s just a pic I use for an avatar at another site’s forums that I frequent. And just so the record is set straight, I don’t wear “girl pretties”. I would never buy panties big enough to fit my big ass!! LOL  lmao

    Oh and who says I don’t sell my boxer/briefs:huh:? 😉 Actually, I’ve had a few auctions for my tshirts.

    Karen, you can cop all the feels you want!!!!  :laugh: smt

    On topic: I have masturbated at my last job in the washroom of an Engineering Dept. (NO, that’s not why I left that job!!!)



    Actually, I have masturbated (and orgasmed) at work before…  Sitting on the toilet for quite some time…  (At least the other stalls were empty!)  Only done it once, but apparently this is not uncommon for male employees to do!

    (So when the management switches to a cheaper, coarser brand of toilet paper it really affects us all, equally!)

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