Why don't black girls sell panties?

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  • #13053

    Hi Babe, no I don’t.  But don’t worry. I doubt MD will bother posting again, he has proved what kind of person he is and it is very plain to see for everyone that you are not the one to blame here.

    No panty girl deserves to be treated like dirt, but it is amazing just how many people do.

    smt smt


    well i try hard to make my sellers trust me, this has really fucked me off, im just about to get panty verified, whats the point now?


    the point is even MORE important now so you can slap these people where it hurts.  We are behind you, dont let these asshats win!!!! 

    My god you should see the crap I have to put up with on a daily basis, it doesnt get easier but you do get stronger.  Dont let them win – you are a bloody good seller – so prove it, show them you are not going to give into their pathetic behaviour! 🙂



    yes u r right, tyxxxx


    Actually Jarael this is precisely why sellers should join Panty Trust. Anyone who is a member of Panty Trust should never suffer a neg feedback. This is because Panty Trust will mediate if there is ever an issue with missing orders. If it isn’t resolved then the seller risks losing her seal – no seller worth her salt is going to risk losing her seal over one pair of panties are they?

    More to the point no buyer can slag off a seller when he has the PT mediation service to work on his behalf.

    I’ve noticed that these asshats only seem to order from unverified girls because possibly they can get away with slagging them off?




    well as soon as i can get some cash ill get verified.
    not having people thinking im a fake, i spend far too many hrs emailing people or updating my site when i should be cooking dinner or ironing school uniforms lol as it is.
    so ill think ill do that, also when does secondlife manager get on? need to talk about whats gonna happen to my store when im away.
    prob be easier if i could pay somebody the rental then they go and pay it in my store, but dunno if it would work.


    PK and Shannnon work closely together so PM PK and it will be sorted about your store.



    ok, will do ty


    OMG!!!!  You experienced racism on ebanned? That pisses me off…how dare people..I cant believe it!  grrrr.


    yes, also had my weight picked on some guy told me never to show my face as im so fat, and do i wear a equator line as a belt? cus im so massive?
    didnt eat for 2 days after that, but im over it now, if people put me down i just tell them i aint bothered lol


    guy? that wasn’t a guy…that was a twat



    People are horrible. You’ll have that – jealously and boredom and just plain ignorance.  I’ve been told I’m fat too. Neither of us are.

    I had some cunt leave a terrible comment on my blog once – telling me how fat I was – it upset me so much that I turned the comments off – for like a year. I just turned them back on today. 


    well out of all the blokes i talk to iv only had one or two give me negative comments, it used to really upset me too, but now i just say to them, why the fuck u talking to me then?
    usually when someone points attention to something they say they dont like, really i think they are interested.


    I’ve just spent some time reading all this and what an utter cockbite!
    I’ve heard this kind of thing too many times and Raceism, sizism, sexuality and misogyny in nasty and extreme ways.

    I’m lucky enough that the worst i’ve receieve was some twat posting a rando comment on my blog saying “fucking bollocks yous ugly”
    Idiot even left a name and IP address.
    That should be fun for later

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