Wife won't accept panty fetish

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    Anyone have any suggestions on how to get her to accept my love for panties?


    It really depends…  How did you bring up the subject with her?  And what did she say?


    Well I dont think you can get her to like something she really doesnt.? You obviously love each other dearly and its healthy and normal to enjoy different things, including in the bedroom.

    No two people are exactly the same and in every relationship there are going to be things that you wish you could change about your partner.

    I would just enjoy what you enjoy, let her enjoy what she enjoys and I wouldnt try to change her or force her to be something she is not.

    My partner is also not into my panty selling or coming anywhere near me when I have been in a pair of knickers for more than 24 hours, so I do understand where you are coming from.

    However, he does accept it because it is a part of me.? I dont expect him to become involved but its still a taboo subject and he doesnt like even talking about it.

    He has a love for parrots for example, and I dont.

    In my book, if it aint broke, dont try to fix it – but if you explained to your wife just how much you enjoy sniffing her panties and how much it makes you dizzy drunk with an enjoyable high, maybe she might at least let you enjoy your passion.

    ..Used panties always is and always will be sticky subject because its so controversial.? So if its going to lead you into a fight, keep the peace and dont push it.


    Thanx for your answer Cindy, but I have a question a bit different : if your lover has no idea of your love for panties, and you admit this love to her it can bring 2 situations :
    1) She understands it makes you horny and lets you play your games B)
    2) She finds it disgusting and becomes suspicious about what you do in the laundry, starts hiding her underwears… worse, she could feel humiliated and not want to be with you anymore :blush:

    (this 2nd solution was inspired by a real story I read on a forum… bad luck for the guy, his wife left and refused to talk to him anymore :X)

    So even if it could be interesting to tell the truth to your lover, I think it is dangerous.

    What do you think others ? :huh:


    HI Dupont
    I do understand.  Could you not integrate this into a sexy game and just make out that you have never sniffed panties before?

    Have a bit of fun and both dress up and go down on her while she has her panties on and Ta daaaa you are suddenly hooked on that panty aroma … what do you think about introducing your love for panties that way?

    Then if she turns off you can laugh it off and continue to do something she enjoys, but if she enjoys seeing you get all hot from her panties then you have the answer you wished for 🙂

    Good luck Dupont – the last thing you want to do is start a panty war!

    Love Cinds x


    Hi Cindy,

    Thanx for your answer and solution, indeed it seems to be a good way to introduce the subject (before introducing anything else :rolleyes:). I will remember it later, for the moment I enjoy the celibacy 😉 But my message was just an idea to make the discussion go on, and it’s true I already asked myself this question.

    Kisses :kiss:

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