Your Opinion Needed – Please comment

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  • #22379

    Hi All,

    It has been about six months since the change to the new format here at Panty Hog and I believe it is time to take a look at how it is working. To do that, I need your help.

    Firstly, is anyone still finding the site to be loading slowly? All pages okay?

    Secondly, do you like/use all the different areas or would you rather that Panty Hog concentrate on used panty news and the forum only?

    Thank you for your input. Don’t be shy and tell it like it is so we know what people like and don’t like.

    😉 PK


    Pages are loading fine at this end, but i never had troubles before tho.

    I do think some areas are redundant, panty-mall and classified are some examples … personally i’m quite happy to use the forum for classified type posts.
    I have noticed the hot theater, but have not been there yet.. my bad…

    I love the landing page, me thinks is very inviting for new users, and the forum is def a popular hang out for us. I do wonder if its missing a coffee machine and a mini bar tho…

    That’s it for me…



    I kinda second Serena’s comment. Not just because I am lazy…=)

    I rarely use any other features and areas than the chat, forum and personal messages and the news on the front page. But that’s just me.

    What do the stats say?

    About the loading: sometimes it’s kinda slow, even with a DSL line. Not totally frikkin slow, but…you know 🙂


    I think it’s okay! I really had to figure it all out,but i somewhat know my way now…..;)

    I mainly use the forums and the message center,too….
    Pages are loading fine,but i never had any problems with that.


    I still have problems with the home page and avoid it at all costs. It doesn’t just load slowly it seems to choke up my machine and I have had to crash out of it on occasion.


    Mask Man N95

    It seems to be a chore for my computer to load this site. Perhaps only for that reason, I do stick to the forum. I like classified-type requests, and the group interaction. The forum is the most important part of the site. I do need to give the galleries more of a chance, but my computer is a bit fragile.


    Thanks for the comments so far guys and ladies.

    Anna have you been to the front page since it was lightened? If you can run the Second Life client, I can’t imagine why the front page would bother your computer. :unsure:

    Masked, I don’t know your computer’s capabilities but you say the galleries give you trouble too?

    :trn PK

    Mask Man N95

    Well, no, but the front page seems to, so I’m just scared to try, since Second Life kind of wigged out my computer. I shall keep y’all updated.


    What i do is log in once then to come back i use history ( sites visited) and just click on panty hog forum.This always works for me,might be worth a try.;)

    Jazzy :dry:


    Sometimes,the whole site here takes forever to come into view and other times,everything seems to be just fine! 😛
    – About 6 mo. since the change over eh! Where did that time go too? –


    one more thing if i may 🙂
    i find the Pantybid banners a bit corporate looking..
    i’m not sure if they reflect the actual pantybid site and they could quickly dismissed by pervy new users…

    could they be pinkier and pervier?



    i think they’re gone..
    there was one or 2 with images of a bloke with empty pockets wearing a suit .. that was the one i meant…


    admin wrote:

    Anna have you been to the front page since it was lightened? If you can run the Second Life client, I can’t imagine why the front page would bother your computer. :unsure:

    :trn PK

    Hi PK

    Yes, I have been to the home page since it was lightened and I still have problems with it. I often get script errors. A warning window comes up and tells me that there is an error in the script and asks me if I want to continue.

    I have two pooters, my laptop and my desktop. My older desktop can’t cope with SL or the home page on here, I use my laptop for SL when I can get it off my daughter.

    I have to do what Jazzy does. I use my history to skip straight to the forums.


    its all running ok my end, i must admit i do only really use the forum, do many people use second life? i did try and download it but it didnt work?? i just thought i would ask as i might give it another go

    sam xxx


    The front page is still a little slow in loading but every thing else is just fine, no trouble or problems what so ever

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