Your thought`s please!

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  • #10683

    Well i wasn’t too sure whether to post this or not  :unsure:. I was enquiring about something witten in a seller`s store in the Panty Mall, knowing how most ladies here hate other`s coping there words and layout, whether it been on there site, blog or store.
    Anyway, 1st of all my email to her then her reply followed by my reply! please may i have your thoughts on this.
    “Hi Kayla,
    I`ve noticed that your privacy statement is the same as Kinky kate`s, word for word. Shouldn’t you rewrite it in your own words as copying another seller’s words is just as frowned upon as copying & re-posting pics & you obviously have an issue with that, seeing as you plaster your pictures with “do not copy” blurbs all over them.
    Every seller should write their own words to save confusion at a later date by buyers & out of respect for your fellow seller

    Her reply……
    “Ummm I didn’t write that! The owner of the panty mall wrote that! I didn’t even know that was there! So maybe you should butt out and mind your own fucking business!!!”

    And my reply to that…
    “After witting you a polite email, i get this back:huh: maybe if you were polite in your reply, i would of considered buying from you and writing a review, but as you seem not to really care that much about getting new customers. Oh well……..


    Same statement with same spelling error. Yep, she copied.  PK has enough to do, why would he write seller’s privacy statements?


    :embarassed: :embarassed:

    Ummm. No, I didn’t write that but I use a skeleton of existing stores to set up a new store on the server. When the store owner writes their information it automatically overwrites anything there already. Since she told you she hasn’t written her own privacy statement and the text there is in red and not black like the rest of that store, I’m pretty sure that is what happened. So no, I don’t write the privacy notices, but yes, it might be my error that caused it to appear there. I will make sure that gets cleared out and check those things closer in the future.  :blush: :blush:


    Kinky Kate

    Oh, WOW….ummm… thanks for noticing that Mike. 

    Thanks for looking into that & fixing it PK.

    .. and… I have a spelling error Anna?  lol ! (running to my store to correct it !!!) -Kate


    [quote author=Kinky Kate link=topic=1554.msg9769#msg9769 date=1162086069]
    Oh, WOW….ummm… thanks for noticing that Mike. 

    Thanks for looking into that & fixing it PK.

    .. and… I have a spelling error Anna?   lol ! (running to my store to correct it !!!) -Kate

    Yeah, ‘accommodate’   :cheer:

    Looks like that is cleared up then – phew!


    [quote author=admin link=topic=1554.msg9768#msg9768 date=1162082761]
    :embarassed: :embarassed:

    Ummm. No, I didn’t write that but I use a skeleton of existing stores to set up a new store on the server. When the store owner writes their information it automatically overwrites anything there already. Since she told you she hasn’t written her own privacy statement and the text there is in red and not black like the rest of that store, I’m pretty sure that is what happened. So no, I don’t write the privacy notices, but yes, it might be my error that caused it to appear there. I will make sure that gets cleared out and check those things closer in the future.  :blush: :blush:


    PK, Sorry i didn`t mean to cause you any problems! The only reason i posted this was because of her tone in the reply she sent me, I have never been rude to any seller and i didn`t expect that answer from her!


    The reply she gave is a valid reason to be annoyed Mike – I quite agree, there was no reason for it at all. Mistakes are easily made by anyone, for whatever reason.  Being abusive is silly and childish.


    I agree with Anna, she could have replied with her explanation without resorting to the abuse.

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