Forum Replies Created
MemberI think I’m lucky that my boyfriend has been supportive of my little “venture.” We’re both pretty adv enturous sexually, so I guess that helps a lot.
Most of my double life is my job. I’m not sure what all of you guys do, but I worry that I could get in big trouble if my workplace found out. I try to be very good about covering my “tracks” so to speak, though.
Memberyay! I jsut did and it’s super easy and fantastic!
MemberI was worried about the legalities when i started, a few mere months ago. But i figure th cops have a lot bigger fish to fry than a girl selling her panties. Heck, I’m sure some cops probably buy panties, so they probably wouldn’t want to prosecute! 😉
March 28, 2006 at 12:42 am in reply to: Looking for stinky well used flip flops and slippers for $$$ #7097Angyl
Memberi have plenty of well-love flip-flops!
MemberThat’s a really good point Karen. I do’nt think I’ve considered anything like discomfort yet. I suppose that’s the sort of thing that comes with experience.
MemberIt actually seems like most girls here will do that, for a cost. I ask for an extra $5 every day i wear them over the usual 24 hours.
MemberI’ve used alertpay once and it went along fine, except they’re slow to get your money to you. It also took a really long time to get my bank account and stuff verified. My customer said the same thing.
MemberI’ll jsut be anotehr newbie voice here.
I agree that like any business, there are a lot of people that are come and go. That’s a given. I think things like this are gaining more visibility in the public eye and a lot more girl are willing to try to help pay tuition or wahtever.
I’m not sure that I wholeheartedly agree that there are “a lot” of girls out there that so this cheaper than most established girls. When I decided the pricing on my panteis, i looked around to waht people were charging and picked something that was inline. It made sense to me, also, bc you have to factor in shipping, buying the panties, etc. I don’t think it’s a sound business decision to be selling you panties for less than the price you put into it, you know?
Anyway, I’m not sure an influx of new sellers would influence the market enough to drive prices down. it will raise competition, but unlike most businesses, a certain amount of trust and a lot of work is required in this, and I think for that reason, most of the cheapie people will be driven out.
Just a newbies opinion, though.
MemberThanks for the advice, everyone.
I tried posting to a couple of craigslist things and thought it got intial response, I’m not sure if they’re acutally buyers or just curious…I guess if I didn’t have my site, then I would be curious too!
It seems like a lot of your guys get a good chunk of your business through sites like these. Makes me even more glad I’m here. Plus I dont think I’m going to tell anyone I’m doing this so it’ll be a good place to be able to talk about it. I’m such a blabbermouth, I wondeder how I’m going to keep it a secret. lol.
MemberThanks Jules!
I’m excited to be here!
MemberOK, so I’ve only been doing this for less than a week.
But I really do like the idea of someone getting excited about my panties. I’m not the type of girl that does something if she dosn’t get anything for it. Yes, I know i’m getting cash, but cash is jsut that, cash. It’s not pleasure.
I’ve had one e-mail, but to tell you the truth, when i was out shopping today, i was turned on by buying panties and knowing someone was going to get off on them. It’s hot, as Paris Hilton would say.