I Might be new but I to believe I am up to meeting the challenge lol. Feel free to check my many photo galleries and Videos as well as panties bras sleepwear stockings and socks. I do aim to please. I always add a personal touch to each package that I think you will find a cut above the rest. Email me at
You have both given me great advice and alot to think about and for that I am totally greatful 🙂 I am sort of a free spirit so for now I think I will try to make it as an independent but I now know that Panty trust is a great option 😉 Thanks for all your help truly 🙂
:S Penelope. Its nice to know A… Not Alone and B… It gets better lol Thanks so Much 🙂 I do plan to be around awhile at least until graduation so a couple of years I know in Time people will see I guess I am just hoping to be proactive :blink:
Thank you so much… I guess thats why they call you the Doctor lol :cheer: 🙂 I wasn’t planning on doing it endlessly haha just a couple of times so I can demonstrate positive vibes I guess. I see what your saying though. As for Panty Trust I do not have anything against them or their affiliates, I Personally just don’t like the idea of being restricted or charged for offering a service.
If I did it I would have something of a drawing you know like sign up to win free blah blah in exchange leave feedback and pay S/H seems fair enough to me if its out in the open…… Right? :side:
:ohmy: I hadn’t thought about shipping costs… Well the videos and photos would be electronic so there would be none there as for the panties… I don’t know; if I did charge a fee it would be the same 5 us dollars for standard shipping. :unsure:
Pantydeal is an awesame marketplace, where over 30.000 buyers and sellers of used panties find together! All are welcome! The Site has so much to offer to members. It is really the best website to […]