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  • in reply to: now my website, please #13519

    Yeah thats a cute site (welcome btw) … I hope you have a back up of it all though, because these free hosted sites can be really strict and will shut you down without any warning.

    I didnt see anything copied from my site, but I am glad I was an inspiration  smt

    in reply to: how do i track IP addresses? #13518

    You cant do much with an IP address apart from find out the ISP (internet service provider).  Then you can forward them your form and any abuse or threats you received.  You cannot complain about a potential buyer not following through with an order.

    You also cannot find anything else out from an IP address like email addresses or home addresses and 90 percent of the time the numbers change each time that person logs on anyway.

    People fill out order forms and never follow through, you have to accept it – I get about 1 in 10 that do that, used to be more but its always the new buyers that seem to do this.

    No idea why, I guess they just chicken out. :huh:

    I sit at my PC replying to mail for hours a day, probably most of it is a waste of time but it comes with running a business, and for the record if I don’t hear back from these non payers within 3 days before I plan to wear their order, its cancelled – but do I let them know about it? nope, they wasted my time before so why should I waste even more. My time is precious and only spent on those deserving of it.

    xx Cinds xx

    in reply to: I am new here so be nice :o) #13472

    shame on you jessica bubbles .. now go go go .. list some things and hopefully buyers might stay long enough to browse!

    Ill be plugging the auction site next week on my site so girls .. get your butts in gear and list some things xxx

    in reply to: Tuna Trick … #13468

    OH! Blush, blush  smt

    in reply to: Saucy Panties Farce #13467

    This issue is over and long gone.  I think it is best left in the past to be honest.  Things have changed considerably at Saucy Panties and there are just two girls who sell their panties, Tina (owner) (married to Richard who owns the sex sites) and another girl selling based in the USA. Saucy Panties is nothing like it was before so I think it is best everyone just leaves them alone now.

    in reply to: I am new here so be nice :o) #13466

    exactly and why bother when panty hog has an auction area that is FREE .. NO FEES!!

    … I dont understand it, poor PK set that up for everyone because everyone wanted it and nobody uses it… is the fact its free putting people off or what:huh:  :unsure:

    in reply to: Citizenship tests, how much do YOU know about your country? #13439

    Cum and get your free knickers (and NO I am not telling you the answer either :P)

    in reply to: Citizenship tests, how much do YOU know about your country? #13436

    Anjel .. Krooze knows all lol  :laugh:

    in reply to: To Pee or not to Pee #13435

    Intriguing .. when this mystery gift arrives shall I take a photo of it and pop it on my blog hehehe *wicked grin* (kidding)

    in reply to: Question About Female Ejaculate #13422

    hahah I know but so many people don’t understand it, that its best to write it in Mickey Mouse language 😉

    in reply to: Auction is slow on action #13417

    This auction feature is quite new Anjel and so needs a few bits of encouragement from the girls to get it going 🙂 .. I might blog about it .. in fact why don’t we all blog about it girls?

    in reply to: Citizenship tests, how much do YOU know about your country? #13412

    No I never got that one, but there was quite few in there about the states and the origins of them.  :buck2:

    in reply to: Citizenship tests, how much do YOU know about your country? #13410

    LOL I can safely say I will not be emigrating .. that one was a bitch!

    in reply to: Citizenship tests, how much do YOU know about your country? #13408

    Blimey that was incredible.  The first one I just got one wrong but the second one .. ouch, the more you get right the harder the next question lol.. really interesting though thanks for sharing FT

    in reply to: Hollywood #13406

    cry wolf – shit the damn dog ate the panty mail again
    unleashed – elastic gone in the panties
    shop girl – you do WHAT with those panties?
    while you were sleeping – shhh I stole your knickers
    shes the man – eww say no more

    …how did i do?  :cheer:

Viewing 15 posts - 451 through 465 (of 1,429 total)

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