
Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 466 through 480 (of 1,429 total)
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  • in reply to: Question About Female Ejaculate #13404

    Women have a “feminine version” of the male prostate gland that expells fluid.  This area is more known as the g-spot. Most women experience a need to pee after intercourse and this is because the fluid has gone into their bladder rather than being expelled through ejaculation.

    Although the fluid comes from your pee hole, when you ejaculate immediately during sex it doesn’t go into your bladder.  However, after a while this fluid can turn slight amonic.

    The prostatic gland secretes a viscid, alkaline fluid which aids in sperm motility and in neutralizing the acidity of the vagina, thus enhancing fertilization (obviously this was written for the man in mind).  99 percent of what you read on the web says females do not even have a prostate gland! What utter bullcrap!   lmao 

    Good ole Wiki:

    in reply to: The captain touches our panties #13387

    not even a hint?? oh go on, let us crack a code .. something like feeling a very British way today or perhaps Ryan should air out those knickers  :laugh:

    in reply to: Server Problems #13385

    Im guessing you logged out, cleared your cashe and cookies and tried logging back in again using the right capital letters in your name if you have any  :coolsmiley:

    in reply to: The captain touches our panties #13383

    I never get to fly with fun people, they are alway so bloody grumpy. What airline is it? I think I should change as I fly all the time around Europe.

    in reply to: Hollywood #13381

    :laugh: :laugh: lmao lmao these are funny .. i just dont have the right brain to join in lol

    in reply to: Feedback please #13361

    Hi Anna WOW .. OMG .. you have done brilliantly. I saw it when it was just the test template and you have added so much more! Well Done.. Im so impressed.  It’s not that hard is it when you get your head around it 🙂

    Few things:

    I will NOT engage is Queening    … typo .. in

    News page and Rules page the “home” link needs to be updated to the home.htm as its going to main.htm that doesnt exist 🙂

    ..I cant find any more things :)  Well done Anna, it looks amazing, and it will blast all those other Dommes out the water xxx

    in reply to: Hollywood #13328

    hehe that was a good one jazzy xx

    in reply to: Trouble at the post office? #13314

    [quote author=Tabitha link=topic=1947.msg12739#msg12739 date=1172239286]
    but maybe something like drawing hearts  on the envelope …

    Those with a wife at home will love you for that one  :cheer:  … No I just think we should trundle through it.  I would never risk putting anything that resembled it has come from a female on the outside, it might get through the postal checks but will the buyer be alive to even see it after the Mrs. found it?  :huh: :X

    in reply to: Pricing? #13308

    Anjel, you might need to check your spam comments area .. for some reason a few blogs think I am spam when I comment *im not I promise* and it shoves my comments in the askimet bin or whatever you use.  You must think hmmm  “why hasnt Cindy bothered commenting on my blog” (but I have xxx)  smt

    Cant wait to see what your pics are like when you get a proper little camera  smt

    in reply to: Trouble at the post office? #13307

    Yep twice to the UK. All my post is specially tagged to so I know it arrives in the UK, but what happens next is a mystery.  This was also mentioned by regulars so I know its not someone ripping me off.  The replacements I sent out arrived fine though, but generally a few orders are taking a day or two longer as well.  I thought it was because of Valentines though.

    in reply to: New seller and panties #13291

    OK just checking Mike .. cant be too sure these days lol .. oh and here it is:

    Please dont hot link, if you want to use it just right click and save it on your own PC. smt

    in reply to: New seller and panties #13288

    lol .. thats not a brown nose i see there is it Mike  lmao

    in reply to: New seller and panties #13281

    dont see why not 🙂 .. Ill work on that today and put a link here later xxx

    in reply to: More Tuna Fish Panties #13277

    hahaha ,,, me have vision of a guy with a pritt-stick stuck up his nose.

    Some people .. glue:huh:    :idiot2: :idiot2:

    in reply to: New seller and panties #13270

    PK if I make a “no paypal” graphic for the site perhaps you could display it, and maybe link it to the payment article in the panty university?

Viewing 15 posts - 466 through 480 (of 1,429 total)

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