Forum Replies Created
Membercan i wear a long black coat, black sunnies and a have a huge sexy gun?
MemberThey are nice, but not as nice as the glass toys I have in my sex toys shop
*plug plug plug*Â :laugh:Cindy_PantyParadise
MemberOh just shut the fuck up LOLÂ :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Its not just Susan is it, its all the other girls whom you pissed off aswell.Go away, the panty community doesn’t want or need your business.
MemberPK and Shannnon work closely together so PM PK and it will be sorted about your store.
MemberSweety, in this game you need to be tough. Its the adult industry and is full of utter assholes. If you can’t stand up to them, then you are in the wrong game. smt
Memberhmm let me think for 5 seconds …. gutters, slimy rocks ….
Memberjust asshats, they seem to be crawling out the woodwork these past weeks and me and Anna have been jumping on them and ripping them new arseholes :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2:
Memberthe point is even MORE important now so you can slap these people where it hurts. We are behind you, dont let these asshats win!!!!Â
My god you should see the crap I have to put up with on a daily basis, it doesnt get easier but you do get stronger. Dont let them win – you are a bloody good seller – so prove it, show them you are not going to give into their pathetic behaviour! 🙂
MemberHi Babe, no I don’t. But don’t worry. I doubt MD will bother posting again, he has proved what kind of person he is and it is very plain to see for everyone that you are not the one to blame here.
No panty girl deserves to be treated like dirt, but it is amazing just how many people do.
smt smt
MemberBy the way, your avatar looks really funny .. it looks like you are about to be swallowed up by a load of bubbles in your bath 😉 hehee :laugh:
MemberOh you are a treasure 🙂 xxx
Well done, that saved me tons of time – if you find anymore, just post them hehee. smt
MemberI totally agree but people just cant join a forum and start ripping into people. That just isnt done. Besides we enjoy slapping slapheads :). They start it, we finish it.
MemberThanks for coming here and posting. I have known you long enough to know you are not a fake and we all know how lovely, honest and genuine you are.
From the tone of his posts and the smarm covered sting he gave me, I think its clear what sort of person he is.
If any buyer has a problem or an issue with a seller, you MUST contact the seller first and attempt to sort it out privately before coming here and posting slanderous remarks and comments.
I also have no idea why this member has changed his name either, he was previously known as Luxuria and now suddenly changed it to MD. Maybe someone knows this guy from ebanned, he was pretty quick to change his name when I mentioned I informed you of this post.
FULL MOON IS OVER NOW .. just in case those that are still howling and causing trouble forgot.
MemberMy god I forgot about that page, Ill have to update that this week 😛