Forum Replies Created
MemberWell maybe in Canada the postal system is different. In Europe its extremely quick and most people receive their orders between 24 and 48 hours in normal post.
Maybe we are just lucky, but this way has served me well for the last 5 years and Im not about to change it – I hope it serves me well for the next 5 years too.
MemberIm so sorry Louise I didnt realise that in Canada you have a special courier service in which they deliver without signature. Totally my error there *silly me*Â :rolleyes:
In Europe all special deliveries, recorded deliveries and courier mail must be signed for as far as I am aware .. I dont think my poll was biased in any way shape or form that is why I included a variety of choices.
But hey – you can always do another poll for your Canadian fans 🙂
MemberYeah I dont mind, but maybe give it a trial run. If others are leaving negative comments/ratings just to be spiteful or continuously overrating themselves to cheat then you can always turn it back off. B)
How about we even have a link so we all know who has rated anyway? That way it will keep the cheaters to a minimum and the voting will be more honest – the way it should be?!?!
Just a thought.
Love CInds xxxCindy_PantyParadise
MemberChampers .. I love your new icon, but where the hell does your right leg go:huh: I sit here screwing my eyes up trying to see whats going on and I still cant make it out – not that Im being dykey or anything … Oh ok, maybe I am :evil: (you shouldnt be so hot! lol)
… You are really bendy heheehe .. is that pic in your gallery on here? .. I have to know where your right leg goes, its driving me nuts hahahaCinds xx 😛
MemberUnfortunately to use a courier service there are only downfalls for the seller and for the buyer.
1) its way much more expensive!
2) someone has to be there to sign for it when it arrives!Both of these options are not positive ones and it is very unlikely you will get any sales by using a courier, unless your pussy juice is diamond encrusted. But hey please correct me if Im wrong. :cheer:
How about we ask the clients? Lets make a Poll!!!
Member[quote author=amber link=topic=123.msg552#msg552 date=1113945191]
:cheer: Well, they must being doing? something right because now their site says that they have been around since 2000, and they’ve been rated #1 by the “panty industry”.? :cheer: Amazing….-Amber (no, no relation!)
HAHAHAA rated #1 by the panty industry .. thats the funniest thing Ive heard yet!? and WHO exactly is the Panty Industry?? Lets all get ourselves rated shall we!
To be quite honest with you, its the clients who decide who is their favourite and in all honesty you can say on your site that youre the best, number 1, top rated, super hero, or whatever but at the end of the day, nobody is -? we are all too different and unique and individual to be compared. And all the guys visiting our sites and buying our products are also all different and all have different expectations and desires and tastes!!!
The only thing which “could” be maybe compared would be our customer service.
Id love to see some proper feedback from their clients to see what they have to say about their products and services because the real truth can only come from real customers.? But Im guessing they havent even had a client yet anyway and the whole site is just filled with keywords and bullshit and desperate measures to try and make a sale.
Shame really … but what goes around comes around!
Cindy x
her/him/they/them/it will be referred to as ?they? below to avoid any confusion – yes, that was a pop! And I guess my karma will be ?100 after this post but I don?t care & I?m going to post it anyway! PK or Leatherz, please feel free to amend my post as you see fit if I crossed the line.If ?they? were honest they would have joined here immediately & apologised profusely about what they did, which I don?t believe was an error, but I give them 10 out of 10 for quick thinking the ?half baked? excuse & even coming up with someone else to plant the blame on! (nice one ? remind me not to employ any ?temps? in future lol!)
Thing is, if it were true & they were genuine, then surely you would think they would face the music, come clean, put up their hand and take a rap for their wrongs & try to fit in a little. They would be respected much more for that & maybe even welcomed in the end. But nope, instead they decided to slag us all off on their blogger & at the very end after a long ?moan? they offer a very meek, half hearted apology of some sort, yeah right!
They really know how to handle women don?t they? NOT! They didn?t actually use any of my pics but it doesn?t stop me from being mad about it! It?s happened to me before & probably will again & it?s a NASTY feeling ? I know how the girls on here felt seeing their photos on someone else?s site.
Thing is, slating off other sellers or sites (especially genuine ones) on your own site or your blogger is probably the worst thing you could ever do for your reputation. No matter how much, how little, how blatant or sly you do it; it just makes you look very STUPID, UNPROFESSIONAL, very INSECURE, DESPERATE for a sale, & above all, a FAKE.
Sadly its not the first site I have seen that does this & they only damage themselves. People come to your site to visit you & your products; they don?t want to read about you having a pop at another seller, especially a good, genuine one! Its very immature & really does more harm than good to yourself & your site. You are running an adult business so you should at least try to act like you can be professional & when you need to have a tantrum, perhaps throw your dollies out of your pram somewhere else for your own sake or better still, go drink a brandy!
Get over your issues & enjoy the competition & play nice! If you can?t do that then maybe you are in the wrong business? There are PLENTY of horny guys out there & I?m sure that most of them don?t just stick with one site anyway & like to enjoy all our unique flavours!!
Life is far too short to make enemies, don?t waste your precious energy in creating real bad karma for yourself ? it?s really not worth it & your life could be so much more enriching, rewarding & happier. I know mine is!
Cindy Has Spoken!? and it?s just from the heart!
Now where?s my Super Cindy cape! I have to go on a mission to clear my head after that sharp tongued message, but it had to be said.Cindy_PantyParadise
MemberWell its not over yet Girls! Have you seen that sites Blogger?
Nice of her/him/them/it to slate us all off on it isnt it in the nicest possible bitchiest way I think I?ve ever seen, which just proves even more so that they are probably not genuine & have no idea of selling panties, or much else for that matter.
?.MORE ?..
MemberMy GODS that was HOT! Not such an innocent quiet little teddy bear are you Leatherz my dear!!! hehee
.. OK in the words of Cherie .. I have to go and Jill off now!
be back later .. maybe lol
One damn hot Cinds x
MemberChampers is right. We are all in this together in selling personal items whatever that may be.? Plus my bottles are plastic and SO well wrapped and protected you could drop the envelope from Big Ben and it would still be intact inside.
I did read that case myself but that mail was only opened because they thought it was child pornography inside.? If someone said theres a pair of knickers in an envelope, do you really think that they would waste tax payers money and time to sift through all the mail sniffing for used panties:huh:
Um Louise .. I have to ask … are you an undercover agent or spy for the worn panty police or something:huh: .. if you are – leave – come and sell your panties, its so much more fun? ?:cheer:
Love Cinds xxx
MemberYay, it worked they changed the pics … however, sadly I can still see one pic from another girl who I am sure I have seen.? I cant remember her site name though so I will go on a mission today, find her site and let her know.?
Temp my ass!? They might as well shut that site down because i pity anyone who actually gives money to these guys … believe me there are [glow=red,2,300]NO [/glow] girls running this one chaps!
hehehe Girl Power .. isnt it GREAT! xxx
Love Cinds xCindy_PantyParadise
MemberMy sensual lips are sealed Champers … but one of a few my sexy, bubbly pantyfriend, one of a few. :X
Love Cinds xCindy_PantyParadise
Memberhahaha Darcy lol … My Wisdom comes from years of experience of seeing my site being continously copied by various people? .. even this week I was informed by one of my ‘site guardians’? who saw a couple of other sites using my quotes and ideas!!
However, most of it I dont really give a toss about anymore and I just “tut”, roll my eyes and let it slide.? Its really not worth getting yourself in a tiz over … it happens everywhere and you cant really do much about that.? As long as you are happy with your site and you are busy with orders then even those that try and copy your site can never be “you” anyway so they can copy all they like!
However, when it comes down to pinching my photos, now thats another story and one that I feel those responsible should be cut and quartered and left to hang for everyone to see.
Panty Girls Kick Ass!? Be Warned!!!
Cinds xx
MemberDont waste your phone bills .. everything is always more concrete in writing – treat it as you would a crime, because that is exactly what it is!!! Everything has to be in writing to stand up in court as evidence and proof. A phone call is just your word against theirs.
let us know if they reply Ms Lynn 👿
Love Cinds x
Here is their hosting people and the hosting email addy.? Be polite and explain who it is and what they have of yours on which pages.
… They dont call me the pantymama for nothing!? Go girls and get these assholes!
Love cinds xxx