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Memberaww I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you can stop the right clicking all you like, they only have to go to tools and source code using the browser and they can take what they like – so I never bothered with it.
Also as for sending them emails thats no good .. you gotta get to the heart .. ie. their hosting. I think you can find this out via who is (ill check in a min) and then inform them directly.
One girl actually hotlinked all my pics to her site once and I changed the names of the pics on my site, left the original name on my server but changed the pics to say “FRAUD”. LOL .. so all my pics where replaced with a big sign saying FRAUD on her site hahahaa
Whenever you see something like this, always bypass the middle man and go straight for the balls! I dont take shit from anyone and never waste my time trying to sort something out like this nicely with those types of people – you need to strike back stronger.
Ill try and find out where these assholes host from and Ill post it right here girls!
Love Cinds xxx
.. .. Jazzy thank you – maybe you could take me out to dinner too lol!Champers .. hmm well, so we are ALL naughty then, bottles, jars or panties alike .. but then we could also say that its too vague to understand exactly what they mean. Filth could be dirt, dust, rubbish, photos, or even mouldy bread .. and for the indecent stuff that includes naughty photos, dvds or videos 🙂 hehehe .. me thinks that they arnt that worried or noone would be able to sell or send anything to anyone – and I dont just mean panty sites 🙂
At the end of the day, I personally still feel that if its wrapped and sealed properly then its highly unlikely it should cause a problem. Besides, none of us advertise the fact what is inside anyway! and its actually illegal to open other peoples mail!!!
Lottery Tickets not allowed to be posted:huh:? wow that one shocked me the most! hahahaa
Thanks for that Champers 🙂
Love Cinds xxCindy_PantyParadise
MemberIllegal?? Perhaps then even sending soiled panties out could also be illegal.? I have checked with the postal websites and it does not say anything about bodily fluids.? Which got me thinking .. what about all the people that send in their blood and urine samples to hospitals and doctors etc.? ?As long as the items are wrapped and sealed tightly I cant really see where the problem is sending out small bottels, especially when we all send out peed in panties or cum panties or in my case ejaculate gushed-in panties too! 🙂
Perhaps there are some Postal workers out there who could enlighten us all:huh:
Love Cinds xx
MemberJazzy that was great! 🙂
You always write me such wonderful poems and Im so glad that you are sharing your super talent with us all! 🙂Hugs, Cinds xx
MemberHmm Gallery had me growling today? 😛
.. Uploaded a couple of new pics and realised that I didnt put commas between my keywords.? I went back to try and open up my gallery … gone .. cant edit it at all? :cry:.
I have read your great instructions PK on how to make a gallery and upload but how can one actually access their gallery afterwards? :huh:?
I tried both the Gallery Manager (no luck, I can only change my introduction and also who can view my gallery).. I went to upload area, but then that was only for uploading (obviously) .. so if there is a secret door that Im missing could someone point me in the right direction .. and I was hoping to shift my pics around too but cant do that either without being able to find the “way in”.? ?:whistling:
… however this could be my fault and im not seeing the wood for the trees; an old girlfriend is coming over to see me for a few days and well my brain isnt quite in my head today *ahem*.? ? :evil:? hehehee
love cinders xxxxxx
*not the brightest cherry on the tree today so playing with the fairies instead”Cindy_PantyParadise
MemberYes I do agree with Cherie too actually as she raised some good points, however also being a non smoker myself I would expect that clients who also dont smoke and dislike that smell to take it upon themselves to really check with the buyer beforehand – especially if the seller doesnt mention on their site if they smoke or have a smokey household.
Champers, you are also right in saying that sellers should mention all the scents that may accompany an order and that may include the smell of smoke, perfume, sweat from working out or even perhaps farts for that matter – its always best to tell the truth – the things I sometimes get requests for are really eye openers and I know for sure that there are MANY guys out there that love certain tangy “flavours”.? :X
Also, it is very hard to determine what we smell like as everyone has different expectations and noses, plus I know for a fact my scent varies from day to day.? Recently, I sent out a pair of my gushers with a note saying that the ejaculation didnt seem to be as potent as usual and if they are unhappy to get back to me and I will send them a replacement – however the guy said he didnt like strong scents anyway so he was over the moon. … I just wondered what would have happened if I had of sent him one of my “knock-out” gushers …? :ohmy:
So honesty does pay in the end but PKs view of turning around a not so positive feedback directed at those that enjoy that kind of thing is the best idea.
I dont generally like to see anyone get slated or slandered, especially when I know people are genuine, but whatever the feedback, it should perhaps always be written a little more courteously.
Love Cinds xx
MemberSisal rope tied tight around the balls and cock and make them sleep in it (if they can) or worn under their CB or the like .. gives great chaffe marks so they wont forget who is boss lol.
Although Im typically too pathetically “nice” to run a “slave industry” I do get off having one or two little shits that I can “beat up” if Ive had a bad day lol … really helps actually .. and the best part about it is they actually LOVE the abuse and scream for MOREEE! hahahaaa
PMT/PMS? What IS that:huh: LMAO
Cinds xCindy_PantyParadise
MemberHoly Moly Mother of Boobies! Leatherz .. your Karma has gone ballistic! I had to refresh 5 times to see if it was real. lol :-)? hahahahaa? You deserve it!
As for others publically badmouthing others etc, you really would think we are all old enough to play nicely wouldnt you?? There isnt any need for it and thankfully its nice to see that all the girls at Panty Hog seem really genuine and wouldnt think twice about helping another fellow seller? :kiss:
… YAY for Panty Hog… and I think we should keep it that nice friendly “community” way too!
However in saying that, if a client really has been ripped badly by a seller I dont think they would think twice about posting in the warning rip off section to genuinely warn others. Plus it is very unlikely the fakers would be hanging out here, dont you think? (Too dangerous me thinks!) 👿
Love Cinds x
MemberMr Ryan
You cant expect people not to smoke.? For instance if you saw Sharona in a pub smoking and enjoying herself, you probably wouldnt think twice about asking for her worn items (in an ideal world) so she really does have as much right to sell her stuff as all of us and how she wants to!She seems like a nice girl and Im sure she isnt the only one who sells items and perhaps smokes now and again.?
If you know that you already have such a problem with the smell of nicotine then dont you think it prudent to ask the seller beforehand in future? .. Just an idea, mainly to save your disappointment and any bad feelings towards a seller
Cindy x
MemberHey Darcy babe .. no I havent had such an email from them at all (yet).? The wankers are still holding back a chunk of my money because evidently, despite being a merchant, I can only take out up to 500 dollars a month and they are not letting me get my rest out!
As soon as you get your card Darcy, log into your account, transfer all the funds and then get to a cash point immediately.? They seem to chop and change the way they do things, last time I transferred I didnt get charged (probably because they kept that last chunk) ….but remember you will get charged when you take out from a UK cashpoint because it will be converted into Pounds and your money is held in a US Account.
I dont think there is reason to panic just yet, I think they will continue for a while yet, besides, they also have the law to abide by and they have to be careful not to get themselves sued.? However, as soon as I get the rest of my money out Im cutting up my card and closing my account.
PPPay have been really great so far but sadly cannot take on Australian customers GRRR .. I emailed them and they assured me it will be coming this year.?
One day we will all be blessed with an all round, professional payment processor .. well we can dream cant we!!!
MemberYes I agree. Panty Trust is a great place to start. Gather all the info you need to set up your site. Online payment processors (which is a challenging one Im afraid as most seem shy of Adult Sites).
If you want to just practise some HTML etc then go for a free geocities site at yahoo. Some they shut down, some they dont, but I started out on one of those until I could afford to buy a proper name and hosting.
My hosting is quite expensive now because of the amount of traffic I receive so Im a bit out of “good deals” knowlege etc .. maybe I should be looking for someone a bit more “bandwidth friendly” too?!?!
Filtering out minors is always a tricky one. Get your site ICRA labelled so then its actually up to the parents to restrict certain sites on their kids computers.. and its free 🙂
MemberHi Lisa .. No, dont worry it wasnt Ebare, it was on Ebay 😉 … I would have told you right away if it had happened on your site, but I will PM you privately to tell you the guys details so you can keep an eye if he registers with you. ;-)? ?:evil:
Hi Jazzy – you are lovely, thank you so much for all your wonderful comments and poems of late.? You are one in a million yourself my lovely!? :kiss:
Hi Cherie – Jazzys been with me a good while now and has been ripped so many times in the past, I think he just feels he has found “home” with someone he can trust 101%.? ?:)
Love Cinders xxx? :whistling: :whistling:
MemberI can get Nochex up fine and Ive had orders coming in so Im guessing it could be your puter 😥
Try clearing all your history, cache and temporary files on your PC .. hopefully that might help :huh:
Love Cinds xxx
MemberHiya .. I personally use Aracnophilia (hand editor which is good) and Front Page to help me out sometimes for speed. I havent needed to use any of the features of frontpage that requires extensions to my server. If I want something special, I always look on the web instead and code it manually – Frontpage is OK and great to begin and wont cause you any problems with your hosting as long as you stay away from Frontpages own crap little coding world 🙂 (eg: dont use their wizards to create stuff)
Love Cinds xxxCindy_PantyParadise
MemberSexy Suzie! you dare run and hide girlfriend!!! – your posts on the forum are really great, so stop peeking behind your curtains of your nest and hang out with us for a while heheehe :-)…
I do have to say that it sounds so far as if everyone is getting themselves tested in one way or another for all kinds of reasons, peace of mind, giving blood etc.? Im so glad this forum was started by PK and a huge thank you goes to Cherie who had the balls to actually confront the whole thing and actually dedicate part of her site to it B)
Talking of kids getting dirty etc – I love to see my two boys playing in puddles with sticks and rolling around in the mud – and you know what they are hardly ever sick or poorly!!!? My cousin is a “clean freak” and I dont think Ive ever known him without a cold or something wrong with him!
…Plus, I cant really see any of our panty lovers being “clean freaks” anyway or they wouldnt be buying your used panties in the first place hehehee! So which of the two has the more resistance and antibodies – not my cousin for sure – he probably drinks bleach for breakfast he is such a fanatic!? .. Hey Cuz . this ones for you? ilovROF .. ooo Im so wicked sometimes? 😛