Forum Replies Created
Memberwell dont forget that you can “expose” those cheats here right in the forum area – theres a special forum dedicated to those cheaters and those ‘Mackeral-Men’ who pose as women and do such awful things to earn a buck …..and you know what…. they even steal OUR damn pictures off our sites and sell these disgusting knickers at auction!
I caught one the other month in fact and actually Ebay were brilliant, I must admit, and they dealt with him appropriately.
Another thing .. surely you guys know that pussy juice isnt oily either and womens pussies really dont smell like fish!!!
If you have a feeling you have been had, run the gusset under some cold water .. if the stain absorbs the water, its genuine – if it doesnt, its oil!
Love CInds x
MemberI have a moneybookers account but I didnt know anyone else who knew them or even had an account with them, so I didnt offer the option to pay that way any longer!
I just received my first few payments via and I must say, so far, Im WELL impressed!!!!!!!!!
MemberYou do have to have a certain amount of passion of course, but I also believe that we are all equal, there are no “top sites” as such as everyone is so different.
We may all have Panty Fans but they probably buy from all of us – in fact apart from the odd one or two Im sure that most clients have their little lists and visit us all? :P.? Thats the joy of it, they get to experience all different women and all different scents? 👿
Us 3, me, UKDP and Sharonna have been in the biz a long time – we all had to start somewhere and after a few years with an established site, there is no stopping and it snowballs.
Knowlege is a fine thing about running a panty site, but pure wisdom (experience) is the key element.? Keep at it, dont give up and enjoy every minute of it – I for one wouldnt part with my site for the world – its my life!
Love Cinds? :kiss:
MemberI have to admit that I have only heard bad, negative and crap feedback about stormpay/beaverpay and whatever other name they call themselves. I wouldnt touch them with a barge-pole with or without their policies.
fuk..Just my opinion though 🙂
MemberThank you Knicker Licker for backing me up on this one!
I totally agree with you and I personally always try and put myself in how the client is feeling/expecting and wanting his item/s.
Im sure the build up to receiving them is almost just as much fun as opening the package and that build up is down to us girls fuelling your fantasies.
Its alot of fun having sexy or special rapports going on with each client and it makes preparing their items much more satisfying and exciting too!
Thanks knickerlicker, you said it all from the “horses mouth” so to speak!? … how about some more Guys joining in this discussion – its a good one!? 👿
Have a great evening!
Love Cinds xCindy_PantyParadise
MemberI guess my comments on here have been twisted or misunderstood by some peeps 🙂 .. let me explain what I was trying to say…
I personally am not in it just for the money and I have on many occassions given out free items. I was trying to encourage newbies not to concentrate mainly on the income but more on the outcome of what you sell … word gets around and you get repeat customers!!!
Yes, I need the money – but the most important thing for me is to enjoy myself doing it. Clients know if they are not getting the full whack of what they have paid for and that includes, enjoying what you do – it shows!
Thats what I meant in my previous posts 🙂 …Just that you do it because you enjoy it too, as well as watching the pennies coming in!
🙂 .. it makes it much more fun for yourself and alot more enjoyable for your clients.Sorry if anyone was confused by my previous comments – I hope I have clarified the point I was trying to make 🙂 .. but it sounds as though you all enjoy yourself anyway heheehe
Love and hugs, Cinds xx
MemberHiya .. I received the same email and tried once again to get my money but as usual they are keeping back 50 dollars for themselves to stay on the account. I am waiting for a reply but I informed them I must shut down my account and they must honour me the rest of my money .. lets see what happens.
Try … I have signed up with them and havent had any trouble so far (touch wood).
I wonder how long it will be before they turn us down too!?!?!!
what a right royal pain in the ass isnt it eh?!?!
MemberHi Cherie (my god you have such a sexy ass!)Â 😉
Thanks for keeping your eye open for payment processors – but try pppay – it will be good to have a few different reviews of them :-).. As soon as I have had a few transactions via pppay I will spill the beans 🙂
Love Cinds xxxCindy_PantyParadise
MemberThis question is raised all the time. It takes years to build up a strong clientele of people and these actually denote what your site ends up like. Every person is different and every site is different. You have to be patient and encourage your surfers to contact you and ask what they would like to see/have/buy etc.
I have personal rules. I never take abusive emails from anyone. I dont like disrespectfulness or rudeness either! Plus I NEVER do anything I am not 100 percent happy with.
Dont be desperate to make a sale. If you are in it for the fun then make it fun. Dont hound after people who seem a little interested – let them make up their own minds in their own time and come back to you. Last but not least, keep it real and dont do anything you dont really want to do.
If you have an idea then stick it on your site. It can be silly, fun, sexy or down right ridiculous but who cares… try everything and anything. I even got asked for farts in a jar once 🙂
After a little while you will get a feeling for your site and what surfers you are attracting. If you have alot of porn and explicit material you are going to attract those sorts of surfers/buyers.
If you have a more sexy, erotic site like mine then you will attract another kind of buyer.
The only one who can figure out what works for you is yourself. Just try and test, work hard and dont give up .. and most of all have FUN and ENJOY it!!!
Just be yourself and stay true .. thats about the only best advice I can give.
Good luck!!!
Love and hugs CindyCindy_PantyParadise
MemberHAHAH thanks Champers 🙂 … well lets see..
yes limited amount of underwear washing certainly helps to keeps you young.
Playing with yourself is another good tip for making sure “smile lines” never turn into “crows feet” and eliminating all negative emotions from yourself is a real trick!
Stay happy, dont do anything you dont want to do and keep your hands down your pants as much as possible :cheer:
MemberHi! 😛
I do really very much like that pic of you with those panties!!! I wish more panty “guys” would share such pussy twinging “YES” pics 🙂
Ciao for now!
Cinds xxxxxxxxCindy_PantyParadise
MemberiKobo links do suck, I had a similar problem when I tested them. What I do is give clients the Ikobo link with instructions on how to send me money manually. Yes it is a pain but iKobo is about the next best thing to UK Nochex (which only accept UK cards).
Im a member of MoneyBookers too, but havent used them so far as customers have to sign up before paying you, and is a huge turn off for them.
PPPay – I have yet to look into but again customers have to verify their card etc before the money is released. All this “time wasting” really is a pain in the butt!!!
Maybe get a little form set up on your site Kashia (maybe i could help you :)) so people can let you know what they want and then you email them the amount they must pay you with simple instructions on how to do it.
It seems to be all there is out there right now. Thing is most payment processors are scared because of the type of business we do – they have no guarantee of customer care/service, etc which is evidently a problem due to a loophole in the laws.
Just whatever you do, leave PayPal well alone. Dont even try it!
Love CInds xCindy_PantyParadise
Memberhiya .. if you are in the UK then go with Nochex – they are absolutely superb but only accept UK credit and debit cards! The only other decent”ish” alternative is iKobo for non-UK payments.
Although iKobo dont currently accept Mastercard, they do accept all other types of payment. They are little greedy in what they take from you but if you are in it mainly for the fun rather than the money then it shouldnt really pose a great problem.
I have an account with Moneybookers but have actually never used them. There are a couple of others out there but customers have to sign up before paying which really does put them off!
I also accept cheques etc., which is also always handy 🙂
Just whatever you do … give PayPal a VERY wide berth!!!
Love Cinds xx
MemberIm good around 2-3pm your time
love cinds xCindy_PantyParadise
MemberYAY!!! They are potent arent they! Glad you are enjoying them Jazzy! Much love, Cinds xxxx