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MemberGreendot –
Buy A GreenDot Reload Card from Walgreens, RiteAid, Radio Shack, CVS and TONS of other locations!Purchaser can go to any store get a reload card and enter the pin in your order information you load that amount to your account. He never gets your account details – cant be charged back as its prepaid and its instant.
You have a debit card which can be used anywhere.
Paypal GiftCertificates:
Sell your own personalized gift certificates on your website for free using PayPal. Anyone with a Premier or Business account can easily create and sell customized gift certificates on the web in just minutes.
Merchant Gift Certificates are:
Customizable: Create your gift certificates exactly the way you want by setting amounts, adding colors, importing images and making advanced HTML edits.
Easy: Publish your Buy a Gift Certificate buttons on your website in minutes. Our system processes your gift certificate sales and redemptions, sends receipt emails to you and your customers and records every transaction in your account.
Cost-effective: Gift certificates have no setup costs or hidden fees. You pay only the standard payment receiving fee at the time of redemption, and nothing more.
Profitable: Increase purchases, attract new customers and grow sales when customers redeem gift certificates on your website. Research shows that customers spend more when they redeem gift certificates.*** There are ALOT of terms and conditions including the fact a purchaser may cancel or chargeback the cert up to 60days with no explanation per the paypal buyer protection program also there is no wording to clarify regarding adult products.
MemberHello – newbie here havent officially introduced myself yet but wanted to chime in if I may.
I have seen a few people recently accepting paypal and while I was a little shocked – doesnt seem to be an issue as the transactions go to paypal via their cart with only an inventory number (ie-th1x24).
If reported I am sure PP would freeze and lock.
Their policy is absolutely no adult products that relate to personal intimate items etc.A/e being a vendor of *novelty items meant for entertainment purposes only (ahm) may have as mentioned gotten a way around this.
Ebay and Paypal are one in the same and even some of the largest clients are paypal restricted when it comes to selling adult dvds. I cant imagine they are on the panty green light at this time.
smt -