Forum Replies Created
Memberit is nice to hear more about people, i love trying to build a picture of what a person is like:)
sam xx
Memberhiya and welcome, i am sure you will find what your looking for so take a look at mikes reviews they are great 🙂
sam xx
Memberi have also had a chat to bill as i was unable to log in!i was using my laptop to log in and i got a 403 error saying that i was not authorized to view this page, so i tried to log in from hubbys pc and i went straight in so it must be something to do with the settings on my laptop! (just dont know what lol)
could it be the cookies??
sam xxx
Membernaughtynurse wrote:
:kiss: For me it will be bruce willis everytime.just the thought of him playing with my panties get’s me going.:laugh:
oh yes i have to agree:cheer: :cheer:
sam xxDesire
Memberi did have that account with go daddy, it “appears” to be simple to cancel there is a page that just says “click here to cancel” lol although i am not sure it will have been that easy lol
i did get an email saying that no further payments would be made and i am hoping that they mean that!
sam xx
Memberthank you all for your kind works i still have a big grin (be even bigger when i can log into the member area of PT lol):unsure:
and thank you destry that was a good find, i may have to use that lol!
Keziah- i will add you to my blog roll, that would be great!!! (we could also exchange banners??)
loads of love,
sam xxx
Memberthanks Phil;)
Sam xx
(from the big all grown up girl now):silly:
Memberthanks mike:) yep i do plan to be around long term!!!:)
sam xxx
Memberthanks for that, i just thought that i needed to say it!
i love that saying “its nice to be nice”:)
sam xxDesire
MemberThats why i think we should name and shame so that it will make people realise that this is not acceptable! it may well put people off then, of course we need to 110% sure that it is what they have asked !!!!
sam xxx:angry:
Memberhi all, thatnks for your comments;)
Ruby, the site is very easy to use, just have to pay a bit each month but the is all in, inc the!
you can do a 30day trial so you may as well have a play around with it it will only cost your time but if your anything like me you will know quickly if you can get on with it! i very briefly tried godaddy and it was a nightmare i even bought a domain name but have not been able to use it thats why i have stuck with the first website lol (finaly)
that would be great if we can exchange banners, let me know when you have updated yours and i will put it on my site, i will also put you on my blog if thats ok?
love sam xxx:)
Memberhiya and welcome, i have just had a quick look at your site and it looks fab 🙂
stick around, this is a fun place to be and you should get linked with others in no time
sam xxxDesire
MemberAnna wrote:
It disgusts me that a seller is so busy thinking about the cash that doesn’t even consider basic morals and decency.
If you wear little girls panties for a buyer then you are fucked up in the head.
If you provide any form of children’s underwear then you are fucked in the head.
Next time you read about a little girl who was abducted, terrified and ripped apart from RAPE, you might just consider that the sick fuck’s fantasies were fuelled by your willingness to condone an ILLEGAL and sick activity.
If you approach a seller and request children’s underwear then you are FUCKED IN THE HEAD and you are not welcome in this community.
Anyone who asks me for such items will be reported IMMEDIATELY to the authorities who will then confiscate your computer and find further evidence of your sick activities. I will do everything I can to ensure that you are locked up and treated.
I fully expect and hope that every other seller feels the same way.
in my honest opinion i think Anna has completly summed this up! i could not have put it better myself! OMG what in the world is this coming to! there was a post along these lines a short time ago which i was sickened by and here we go again!
i think that this person should be named and shamed as where will it end? when he gets the panties …No, that probably wont be enough he will then go after a child!
sorry if that sounds over the top but all these men start off somewhere and perhaps something does need to be done before it does get to the point a child is involved!
from a very angry sam:angry: :angry:
Memberthanks PK for letting us know, it does seem better!!:)
sam xxx
MemberPRH wrote:
It’s been dragging for me even before the change over,but thought it had something to do with me or my system! B) – so it’s vanished, something will take its place – bigger & better – ( always think in a positive light )
good way of thinking;)