Forum Replies Created
MemberShould we pm you, or post here if we come upon something we could use your help for?
And thanks for the offer. its very nice of you!
Memberoh! Ok. I did walk towards it to see if fly would come on, but i must not have walked far enough.:huh:
I will go farther next time I am on.LadyLilith
Memberjazzy wrote:
if you are new
here’s what to do
firstly what’s your namewhere do you live
and what can you give
do you have a claim to famenever look back
at posts from the past
it causes such confusiontell us a tale
or even a joke
as long as it’s amusinglast but not least
enjoy your stay
the gang are really nicegives us your views
on what we say
and do take their advicehello to all
Jazzy :dry:
ok I’m going to try this! but I can’t promise any literary feat!
As I am new
I’ve got to do
an introduction for this gameI’m from the states
My voice is what sates
Lady Lilith is my nameI’ve browsed in the past
But I’ll forget it so fast
old posts I won’t be abusingI can tell a knock knock
or a tale of a cock
I’m sexy, I giggle when musingLast but not least
I guess I will say
It seems to be sugar and spiceOh how delicious
to be sharing our dishes
I believe I’ll enjoy this vice.LadyLilith
MemberWow! that is so adorable! Someone should snatch that up for xmas!
MemberHoly crap what country is that?!?! :ohmy:
Rome oh poor Rome!
Serena are you italian?
MemberOk, thanks. When I saw fly was disabled, I didn’t think to find a way round back. I’ve gotten lost in lands before exploring and wasn’t sure I could get back.
Thanks so much!
MemberYeah that was my first instinct, but my little fingers are still getting use to finding where are the buttons were. I didn’t accidentally want to send out a mass inquiry trying to PM or pm the wrong person.
I thought Anna might see it here and answer.
Thanks both!
Curiosity satisfied. I’m so easily pleased…
I’m in second life right now but can’t seem to find a teleport to pantyhog.
I went to BidSL hoping to find something aiming me at PH in SL, but didn’t find anything. Elevator to the adult section won’t give me the option to touch it.
Did panty hog and adult businesses make it? Or did they too fall prey to anti erotic RL corporate policies?
MemberI know this is five months late and Desire took a break, but in case any one else had the same question, thought I would chime in.
I use second life and love it. I just don’t have the time to get on as often as I would like.
And Wow, I’m surprised to see three karma. Thats a pleasant surprise!
MemberThats strange…this time the link worked…
And nifty-O my signature changes in ALL my posts including the old ones…who’da thunkit.
Sweet! 🙂
Fairly sure I have found the place to post my signature.
Now…How do I fix my shop referral URL. When I click on the link in forums it takes me to the log in page, and once I log in it DOESN’T take me to the shop.
What am I doing wrong….
MemberI’m in the US and I’m seeing some scary stuff go down as well here regarding freedom.
(ie Patriot Act, dumping of writ of habeus corpus).
Both sides of the ocean have seen the natural encroachment of human desire for control over other humans seep into systems of government.
Its a bit like entropy, or sweeping the cabin floor. It will keep getting in. The only way to prevent it from taking over is to do our bests to sweep things that kill freedom back out. Otherwise we’ll all be hip deep in dirt.
and not the fun kind. 🙁
MemberI loved those movies!
Especially when Ewen sings the song “Your song”
MemberSerena wrote:
Ah yes! I had the same problem.. i ended up having to turn my monitor upside down 😉
And I laughed
(I did)Compared Notes…
Had a drink-
Had a smoke-
Hey take off your over coat…:laugh:
Points if you can finish the chorus. Can adapt the words as I did… -