this is taken right from paypal:
“Physical Goods
PayPal permits transactions for certain sexually oriented physical goods by U.S. residents. Physical goods include videos, DVDs, magazines or other tangible products physically delivered to the customer. In determining what physical goods are permitted or prohibited, PayPal may consider some or all of the following factors:
# Any regulations or restrictions on the purchase or sale of the good in the applicable jurisdiction.
# The classification of the good by a recognized ratings board.
# Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct.
# Representations or descriptions of intercourse, masturbation, excretory functions, or lewd exhibition of the genitals.
# Dominant theme of the material or website.
# Literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
# Safety and protection of its customers, both buyers and sellers.
# Medical or educational usage of the
product or service.”
Selling panties is permitted even if they are worn 🙂 just dont tell paypal that it is covered in juices and what not..that’s not their business anyways haha