Forum Replies Created
MemberCindy!! Pencap Luvs you….ya know you were nominated in the early spring….Doll…You are now THE  QUEENN………….how does it feel to be Panty Queen?…………..I’ve always told ya ye were….Now tha whole world believes me!………../Now tha whole world KNOWS you are the PANTY QUEEN……………….!!!!Kisses luv…now, where is our “Golden Panty Table?” Whooom will be your knight~Whom will serve you for the next year as your Panty Knight?
How will we judge this contest for the right to hold Our Panty Queens “favor”?I seek the Lions Pride,…………Panty Quen Cinthia…All Hail
All Hail……………………………Quen Cinthia!!!!
Quen Cinthia!!!
Quen Cinthia!!!
MemberIs it just the Yahoo browser that wont let the favicon come up? Am I blind and just dont see them?
I use the yahoo/sbc browser and they just dont show up!!!!
BTW……how has everybody been? It’s been a month or two since my last post…have a lot of catching up to do!!!
MemberGuts and Balls
We’ve all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really
know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed,
definition for each is listed below:GUTS – is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being
assaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask:
“Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?”BALLS – is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling
perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the
and having the balls to say,? “You’re next.”I hope this clears up any confusion on the subject.
MemberStop Divorce
Find a woman that you truly hate, and buy her a house…..Pencap
MemberquoteEdited to add : Oooh! I got Karma! How did that happen?
Twas me luv!!! Thanks for the video help!!
September 30, 2005 at 3:54 am in reply to: Asian Cosmicsweetie – Playing around in my panties! #4283Pencap
MemberThanks for the download!!! It was super, and I’m gonna go enjoy it a little more when I can recover….eh eh eh…. 😉
Member[move][glow=red,2,300]YAY GO POLKA DOTS!!! MMMM![/glow][/move]
Welcome to the hog!!!
MemberThanks Doll! love the “ring” jo
MemberLittle Johnny was sitting in the classroom and had to go real bad…he raises his hand and the teacher reluctantly calls on him, “Yes, Johnny?”
Teacher, I gotta take a piss……..can I go?
The teacher says to him, “The word is urinate, not piss, if you can say urinate in a sentance, I will gladly let you go to the little boy’s room. Johnny thinks a minute and wriggles a second and says, “Teacher, youre an eight, but if you had bigger titts youd be a 10…now can i go…….?
MemberThe Rev Jesse Jackson was holding a Conference in a Sears Department Store. The Rev, began ranting and raving about “Why are all of the washing machines sold here white…every last one of them are white…..The rev stopped a store clerk and demanded to see the store manager so that he could discuss the matter publicly with him. The store manager comes over, asks the rev what is the problem? The Rev says once again ever loudly…why does this store only sell white washers and dryers?
The Manager says, “well Reverend, I do agree that all of the washers are white,” as he opens the lid to a nice washer, “but as you can see, all of the agitators are black.”Pencap
MemberOK Amy, pull out tha big guns………….
Show us……, er…him your titts….blow ’em away!!!! Then let ’em drift an sink………Fire ONE!!!
(hey Amy you listening?? FIRE ONE!!!
78’0 right- 1.94″0 starboard…………….
Fire? …………..ONE…………? ? ? ? ? ?38.4″0 horizontal(+-12)29.34 Vert………..FIRE!!!
OK, just flash us……………!
MemberWoah………….Krooze…what gives here..?
I have heard talk like this from suicidal people.You do not, CAN NOT say “Good Bye” here………… WTF:huh: Where would you go to? “Wife Lovers”:huh:, Show Me Your Wife”:huh:
Trust me K, it’s not worth it…ya got a family here that awaits your next post…(if it wrent for tha Krooze, I wouldn’t have anything to post back on….who would I ad-lib from?.)
Come back into the Locker Room, I swear, it wasnt me that took your Guinness…………and I really didnt mean ta put mustard in yer shoes…..I
‘ll hunt yer butt down……don’t make me go to work!
An dont make me go on the hunt for you…ya betta post tonight…
[move]OR I”LL KICK YER ASS!!![/move]Pencap
MemberThought you were going to set a date?? US time vs UK time…..
MemberWay to go Gurl! and yes, ITS PRETTY….like its maker…awwwww!! smt
Membergot plenty of photos to use…Admin, what r u looking for? I’m willing……………………plenty of me! hostable photos……whadda ya want?