Forum Replies Created
MemberHi Wirehead! I too wonder how it could stay that interesting for that long, but I’d still love to do it for you if that’s what you’d like. I haven’t done custom videos to send out yet, but it sounds fun.
Also I do so love wearing fun skirts. 🙂
MemberI’ve never done a food order, but I’m very intrigued by it. 🙂
I love salty things (I LOVE Pringles) as well as sweets. Any other cool food requests? I’d love to try it out for you and send you a delicious treat. 🙂
MemberThank you, summerres!
MemberThank you to Annilyn Lily, Serena, and missamandamae for welcoming me to the group! I’m so excited to be verified! And Thank you to PRH and Mr. E for your support and congrats! 🙂
All much appreciated!
MemberMr E wrote:
But my favourite is:
Another panty-guy? You guys should form a club or something.
We’ll have to tell him about Panty Hog! :cheer: :laugh:
hahahaha … Wow, this all made me smile!
Member=D So informative!
Mr E wrote:
Hey Maddy and Quinn, I love what you’re doing and the way that you’re doing it!
Far from being unprofessional, both your site and the manner in which you’ve conducted yourselves here exudes professionalism. You’ve clearly done your research, you came here asking for advice, acted on it and thanked everyone politely for their help.
You’re so kind to offer such support and encouragement. It is truly appreciated!
MemberHey Nicola! Thanks for the welcome, and while our panties will be constantly messy, I’ll try to make sure we keep our noses clean. 😉
MemberAgain thank you for your response.
I edited my post to clarify, realizing that there might be confusion.
I cannot convince you of our story’s validity, but we didn’t and don’t mean to offend or steal.
I very much respect this site and its members.
Thank you again,
MemberThanks for the ideas, Jazzy!
Thank you for your response. We looked at many competing sites before setting up our site (unfortunately we didn’t happen upon yours ahead of time) to see what items were being sold, and we had seen handkerchiefs being offered, and we thought that sounded like a fun idea.
In total honesty, Maddy squealed at me from the other room when she had the idea of calling them Wankerchiefs. We truly thought it was original, and I’m sorry that we seemed to be stealing it from you, or any other seller.
MemberAnna and Serena,
Thank you so very much for your comments. Maddy’s been working very hard on making the site user-friendly as well as professional-looking. I’ll have to read through everything again to correct any typos… thanks for letting me know you saw some!
MemberThank you Anna!
MemberHey hugbug! I’m new here too, although I’m also a new seller. Sounds like you’ve got the hang of things and just getting into this new community like me. Good luck with your sales!