That my friend is some seriously fucked up shit. Actually you would have been better off letting the shrooms grow some more then dried them out and ground them up into a powder. No doubt some damn dude would have paid you $1400 for an once of that pussy shroom powder to use as an aphrodisiac. :laugh:
I once got a pair of panties that came sealed in a foodsaver bag. When I cut it open I swear it was like being kicked in the face by the smell. It was bad. Like a fermented pissy smell. I ended up throwing them out too. I never said anything to the seller because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings but I never bought from her again. Sometimes you just get a bad batch I guess. If it hot and maybe some bad bacteria got in the package the panties can turn. Mushrooms though is really bad they must have been sitting in the mail a long time.