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  • in reply to: Panties Found #16197

    Here’s a true story of when I did partake in found panties. I was camping at an RV park. This place had a shower house that was co-ed. The showers were actually located in their own small lockable rooms. I picked out an empty one and checked it to make sure it was clean. I went back to my truck for a minute to grab my shaving kit and just as I get back I see this hottie brunette entering the shower I just picked out. I coulda picked another shower but I wanted to see this lady again so I waited her out. When she was finished I went into the shower and shut the door. What was still hanging on the hook on the back of the door? You guessed it, this cutie pie’s nylon bikini panties  jo. I locked the door and went to town with them as you could imagine. The hot summer day had worked wonders and these babies were well scented with a bit of pussy staining. It didn’t take long before I blew good hot healthy load of jizz into them. They were such a mess, I just tossed them in the garbage. I don’t know if that lady ever realized where she’d left her panties or went back for them. If she did and found them in the trash I’m sure she got a real surprise. Thank you mystery woman wherever you are.

    in reply to: Panties Found #16194

    I’ve come across panties on the street and in parking lots too. I haven’t picked them up because I figured it is pretty risky. Yours probably fell out of the hamper but who knows? Some sick fuck could put liquid rat poison, anthrax or something on the crotch and plant them hoping for someone to come along and pick them up. It is wise to be careful.

    **post edited my moderator, please do not pass judgement based on religion. Thank you **

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