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Membersmt oooh liking this idea , but then I always used to like getting the guys to wear dresses for panto . Rugby players adjusting each other’s boobs is still one of my favorite memories from collegeÂ
Member😛 bleeuuurggghhh walking proof of the assertion that you should never be scared to question what a doctor says but by god am I glad I work in psychiatrics!! Not that people’s heads are any less messy :laugh:
Member:angel: I think it might be one of those things I will do for special gents… hey the whole point of comfort zones is to leave them ! :buck2:
Member😥 oooh glitter good luck for tuesday I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you! If you ever want info digging up for you or a bit of translation of doctor terms {why say conjunctivitis when what they mean is a bit of your eye is swollen !} then feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to help.
And I hope you’re better now Anna , even though I work in health care some of the things that happen never cease to amaze me , I really don’t think we’ve come that much further from blaming anything wrong with women on hysteria {if you look at the old books that basically translates as you’re a women , you’ve got squishy bits and thats whats wrong with you now leave my presence!}
Unfortunately I can never predict my cycle so its a case of someone being luckier than usual… :knuppel2:Tabitha
MemberI think that was the bit that made me a bit :huh: because I was thinking why would you want something that intimate from someone you never met . I know that sounds utterly irrational but I think theres just something about it worries me slightly … :idiot2: idiotic I know .
And I know what you mean about your babes , I read that and had to go and give mine a cuddle too smtTabitha
Member :knuppel2: Tabitha quickly sneaks up and pinches mike’s bum.
Kicking peoples not lady-like mike smt
MemberKnow I’m not a moderator but yes krooze scrum is where some big bloke with cabbage ear is grabbing your unmentionables saying what did you call my sister , scrummy is what you want to say when for example you see that pair of buns that you just have to pinch in a very tight pair of jeans !
MemberB) cool , very very cool ! I liked the initial warning message too! hehehehe
Memberwell a nicely aimed sultana can do a lot of damage! I’ve just finished a night shift and every things gone a bit pink and fuzzy if you know what I mean smt
Memberowowowowowowow 😥 oh those poor boys!
but then if they will persist in doing things like writing their name in the snow no hands style! I was always so jealous of that madTabitha
MemberOh gawd I just found this thread ! Course If you want to be certain you’re ovulating you can get tester kits {clear blue in the uk , not sure about usa} which you could always send to the buyer as proof.
The other way is to take your temperature as it will rise when you’re ovulating.
Anna trust me , I’ve met GPs who dont understand the menstrual cycle and they’re supposed to have trained in it. Plus I manaed to get pregnant and not know for 6 months because I was on the depot provera injection! :angry: It was very funny , the doc told me I had a stomach ulcer and in the scan my mate was in tears and I was saying to the lady are you sure its not a stomach ulcer ? :uglystupid2:Tabitha
Memberaha! yes australian customs are very severe :angry: my cousin got in trouble going home because my mum had packed him some food which had dried fruit in it!
I wonder if they were just peckish ! :cheer:Tabitha
MemberNow it may seem totally irrational {probably knowing me!} but I always fond the pillow case thing a bit strange because I assumed it was just about having something that a person had slept on which made me go a bit :huh: . I never thought of actually playing with them :rolleyes: silly me so thank you for enlightening me Fetish … :cheer: I’m off to try it now.
Member:unsure: ooohhh nnnnooooo , Tabitha wincing imagining frozen pubes and frost bitten bits .
wow that thought brought tears to my eyes.Tabitha
Member🙂 cool , good advice about a receiving address because I’ve had a couple of people wanting to send me stuff and I really dont want to give out my home address .
Have also just been told if you pt gift on the customs form they dont have to pay tax the other side. -