Forum Replies Created
KeymasterDone 😉
KeymasterOkay, just to clarify, this is not the same person that Minxy and Rosco were referring to, just a coincidence with the names.
KeymasterHow do you know this is the case?
Somebody sending an email like that is spamming so that is not a good first sign for the place. Was the contact sent here through Panty Hog?
KeymasterThank you ThaiKitty for clearing that up. Just to support and add to that…
My Used Panty Store has nothing to do with Alertpay. Alertpay is simply one of the payment methods you can use to upgrade your MUPS account. We have two other methods beside Alertpay. You can upgrade your account with any credit card or debit card with Zombaio, or with a Visa card, bill to phone/SMS, eCheck, bank transfer with CCBill. When you go to upgrade your account at MUPS, you have your choice to select Alertpay, Zombaio, or CCBill as your payment method at checkout.
As far as how a panty seller receive payment from buyers for her items, full MUPS members are given a method where buyers can pay them with a credit or debit card. No payment worries for buyers and sellers at MUPS.
Thank you,
PK (also MUPS admin.)admin
KeymasterHappy belated birthday from me too!
Some options for payment that USA panty sellers use to accept payments are:
Giftcards – buyers can send you a giftcard online. Many sellers seem to request giftcards but pretty much any store you can think of sells online gift cards (Walmart, Costco, Grocery stores, Best Buy, etc.)
Greendot – Buyers can send sellers a Greendot card which is basically a reloadable Visa card
Cash/check/money order – Most sellers allow buyers to pay them with a mailed in payment.
Alertpay – The online payment service that allows payments for used panties. Alertpay allows people world-wide to use their service. Who told you that Alertpay doesn’t let those in New York state use Alertpay? I’ve paid and been paid by plenty of people in New York via Alertpay. There are a bunch of sellers here from New York who seem to be accepting Alertpay payments without a problem.
KeymasterAlways changing, but right now, I’ve got it for Lana Parrilla, the actress who plays the evil witch on ABC’s Once Upon a Time. She’s smoking hot. Especially when they dress her up in the fantasy queen costumes. 👿
KeymasterThe links in the the original post no longer work because that post is three years old and the site navigation has changed since then. Thank you alan4panties1 for posting the updated link. When looking for anything on Panty Hog, just mouse over the “Site Features” tab in the top navigation bar to see/access the area/feature.
Thank you,
Santa loves all panty people. If he doesn’t leave you a new ipad under your tree, here’s hoping that he brings you good health and some happy times this year instead.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Keymasterthongoloid post=27758 wrote: Hi there
All my old messages and profile information seem to have dissappeared, is this normal?
Ta very muchYes, the profile and messaging software is all new, everyone needs to start fresh.
On any page except the forum area, you’ll see a link to your message center in the user menu and and a display called a “Message Notifier” on the right hand side. You can click the user menu link to access your message center or click the link in the notifier. Also, when you get a new message, a notice will pop up anywhere you are on the site to let you know you have messages.
Keymaster🙁 Whoops, I apologize. I completely misunderstood your post. I thought you were referring to MUPS. If you were talking about this site, Used Panty Portal/Panty Hog, then that is different. Yes, here on Panty Hog you can discuss everything used panties, learn about selling, post your news, sales, introductions to the front page, promote your blog, website, etc. You can also meet buyers and sell to them directly. However, since there isn’t a dedicated sales area here on Panty Hog, direct sales you make are strictly between you and the buyer and at your own risk. There are plenty of buyers visiting and using the site, but as a new seller, it is a bit harder to get direct sales going because buyers know that there is no feedback system, monitoring, etc. So they are more cautious. It isn’t personal, it’s just the way the panty biz works.
My other site My Used Panty Store (MUPS), the one I thought you meant before, is completely different. There, that site is set up formally to buy and sell used panties. As I mentioned before, buyers and sellers are actually “prescreened” by the deposit for their seriousness in wanting to buy/sell so pretty much everyone there is there for that purpose. Plus, the sales area provides everything a seller and buyer needs to display what they are selling, track what they’ve sold/bought, receive payments, leave feedback on the transactions, etc.
So, my personal advice for a game plan for panty sellers would be to use this site (Panty Hog) to promote themselves, discuss, meet others, etc. and at the same time, use MUPS to start selling, build a reputation, etc. Both Panty Hog and MUPS should be great resources for sellers and buyers, but their functions and purposes are different. I hope that all makes sense. Sorry again for the confusion.
Keymasterbigbootiebabe post=27744 wrote: Hmmmmm…… I joined about a month ago – and I’m not having much luck so far,
What’s this auction thing you guys are talking about? Is that where you sign up
to MUPS and have to pay like, £6 to put an auction up or something?
xxxxxxHello bigbootiebabe,
If you haven’t paid the deposit yet, you aren’t actually a member of MUPS, you have just have a temporary preview membership. You can’t access 99.9% of the site or its interactive functions, and MUPS members are actually prohibited by the MUPS terms of service from buying from you. I’m concerned when you say “not much luck” because preview members are supposed to have zero luck in selling panties on MUPS.
Yes, absolutely, if you want to become a member of MUPS and begin selling panties, you need to have a full membership. To get a full membership, you need to pay a $5.99 deposit. This is a deposit, not a fee to join. The $5.99 USD deposit is your money, goes directly into your MUPS account, and is immediately available to you to use to sell. Once you are a member, you can actually see the site, interact with members and start selling in our MUPS sales area. Transactions through the sales area assure that buyers and sellers are accountable. Neither time wasting buyers, or non-sending sellers are tolerated and are quickly removed from MUPS if that is their game.
Why the $5.99 deposit? MUPS and its members are quite proud of coming up with this. The plague of online panty sales sites has always been spammers, non-paying buyers, and non-sending sellers. By requiring all sellers and buyers to pay a small deposit, we have virtually eliminated the problems still found on other selling sites. When someone has to pay a deposit, they think twice about joining just to spam, waste seller’s time, or con buyers. These types simply by-pass MUPS and move on to a selling site that allows them to instantly join with no deposit to sow their dirty deeds on the poor souls on some other selling site. The people serious about selling and buying join MUPS and since the deposit they paid is immediately available to them to use toward selling or buying panties, they have a safe and secure environment to enjoy themselves and it hasn’t actually cost them anything.
KeymasterHello Lucy,
It isn’t necessary to have a personal site to sell panties although many sellers eventually do set up at least a blog site. The best way to get started selling is to join My Used Panty Store – start listing some items for sale there.
Alertpay has an account that protects your personal information. Please see Serena’s column by clicking here http:/// for an explanation of how to put it in place.
It doesn’t matter where you live, while many buyers and sellers are located in the USA and UK, many, many of them are not. We have sellers and buyers from all over the world on Panty Hog and on My Used Panty Store.