Forum Replies Created
KeymasterPaypal is enabled on Pantybid because there are some categories for items that can be paid for via Paypal such as commercial movies and new sex toys. There is a disclaimer right next to the box that you have to check to enable Paypal that states you can’t use Paypal for items such as used panties.
I’ve been updating the Pantybid site with new files this week so I’ll double-check that this warning is still there and easily noted.
I’m really on the fence about taking the Paypal option off the site entirely because some sellers can use it legitimately for specific items. If I put a prominent notice that is supposed to be read right next to the option and people ignore it…I’m sort of feeling like McDonalds must have when they were forced to put warnings on their cups stating that their Hot Coffee and Hot Chocolate may be…hot.
KeymasterHow do you come up with these crazy ideas Meyer? :cheer: I like it. 🙂
Queen is one my favorite bands of all time so I’m happy to have any excuse to listen to Bicycle Race again. For those that need a refresher:
KeymasterProbably not a good idea to work on your panty sales from your work place.
😉 PK
KeymasterAnnilyn Lily wrote:
What about sites that have lapsed payment like my old url? I see it up there but how do I change it?
If you can’t upload files to the old domain there isn’t anything that you can do other then register it again or to write a nice email to the archive service and ask if they could delete it for you. I have no idea if they would or not, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.
🙂 PK
KeymasterYes, it should be in your home or public_html folder (wherever your main index page is).
KeymasterYes, you should have a robots.txt on your site. Search engines are supposed to look for it before indexing your site and may leave if they don’t find one. The main reason is still to keep spiders out of areas you don’t want them. The file doesn’t need to be complicated, its just a few allow and disallow statements.
KeymasterAnna wrote:
Good grief! The results there are a landslide. We’ll see tomorrow how the one that counts turns out I guess.
KeymasterAnna wrote:
I hope you Americans realise how important it is that you all vote. You can not foist another idiot on the rest of the world again.
Dubya x2 – what WERE you thinking??? :ohmy:
Unfortunately the people that voted for him twice probably aren’t here to read that. Hardly anybody claims to have voted for him, yet he won twice. Go figure.
PS American football my arse. You’re the only country to wear excessive protection when playing sport. Haven’t you seen rugby and Australian rules football? Them’s MEN’s games. Blood, bruises and broken bones is part of the game! :woohoo:
KeymasterWe have one general election day, which is tomorrow, where we can go to the polling places and cast our votes in the voting booth. This year though they expanded the absentee voting process so people were able to vote early if they didn’t want to go or couldn’t get to the polls on Tuesday.
I’m voting tomorrow in the traditional way. It’s probably a sign that I’m becoming an old fuddy-duddy but I figured there would be some sort of problem with the counting of the early votes since it is new to most people this year.
Obama came with Bruce Springsteen to my city yesterday for a free concert and rally. I went down but the line was so long to get in, the police finally came by and told those of us (literally tens of thousands) in the middle to the end of the line that we’d never get in. Then the Browns (our city’s football team for those of you outside the US, and that’s real football, not soccer 😉 ) game let out and it seems most of 70,000 from that seemed to join the line. I did hear Springsteen playing in the distance, but never did actually see him or Obama.
Maybe if I had let someone know that I was the the Panty King, I would have received VIP status and a police escort to the front of the line? :laugh: :laugh:
KeymasterPiercedPanties wrote:
I like that its cleaner and faster, but admit that I do kinda miss the ‘shoutbox’
Otherwise, good improvements 🙂
The mini chat? :unsure: It is still here.
KeymasterI took a look and the topless girl in the photo doesn’t look like the same girl the crotch shot is from. I’m itching to ban this one’s IP bigbear75 so they are gone for good. I want to make sure you can still get a hold of the seller though. You have the email addresses?
I would still file a claim with Paypal regardless if it was a transaction that was allowed or not.
As always, if anybody comes across a bad seller or buyer on Pantybid, please make sure to let me know. I will ban them from all Panty Hog sites and I send out a word of caution about the person to the owners of other panty sites. I have to be aware of the problem first though. Just let me know, I don’t bite, and it benefits everyone in the community to have the bad apples gone.
KeymasterNo, I can add it to all pages.
:bye PK
Accepts adult images, has unlimited views/bandwidth, gives you more space for less money than other photo hosts.
KeymasterAdmin = Me, PK
If this was a ripoff on a Panty Hog site, let me know so I can boot the user.
KeymasterClose Masked Man. Just use the curly brackets instead.
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