Forum Replies Created
KeymasterBrowse through this forum for a huge amount of panty selling info over the last eight years.
Check out Used Panty University and Ask Serena here on the site to read articles and advice for panty selling.
Signup and start selling your panties at My Used Panty Store –
KeymasterMatty you spamming bastard –
I told you before that if you want to advertise your commercial site on Panty Hog, man up and buy an advertisement. For Christ’s sake.
Pant Hog Admin.admin
KeymasterAlertpay shouldn’t be any more of a problem than PayPal ever was. You need to set up an account which requires an email address and choosing a username and password. Then either link a creditcard or bank account if you want to add money. If you are only accepting money, you don’t even need to that since they’ll mail you out a check if you prefer.
People in the UK have some bank transfer system called, I believe, BASCS or similar. Many UK sellers use this to accept payments. I believe once a buyer lets you know he is interested in making a purchase, you simply email him your transfer information. UK sellers might want to expand on this. You might want to consider sending this question to our our Ask Serena panty selling advice column.
KeymasterIf you really wanted to go all out you could consult your local propane retailer or search the web for contact information on distributors and sources of gas extraction/transfer/bottling supplies. Maybe get a few empty propane small tanks like you get for Coleman propane camping stoves and figure out how to get the fart gas loaded into them. Though it would take many farts to fill. Then of course you’d have to ship the bottled farts to buyers on appropriately licensed and marked hazardous materials trucks.
[attachment=361]caution_farts.gif[/attachment]:side: :side:
Your topic title says Alertpay but then you ask about MUPS so I’m not sure if you having trouble with Alertpay? :unsure:
As far as joining MUPS though, if you are having trouble with the registration or upgrading at MUPS, send a help ticket with the problem details to the help desk at for help.
KeymasterRancid? Doesn’t sound exactly healthy.
KeymasterWelcome Bratty. Thank you for volunteering! :cheer:
KeymasterYou can learn about how to sell panties by searching for specific topics in this forum, checking out the Used Panty University articles and the Ask Serena column here at Panty Hog.
If you want to know where to list your panties for sale you can list them for sale on lots of places. See:
Keymaster:ohmy: Welcome to spammer week this week on PH. They are coming out of the woodwork with new and improved schemes to rip people off.
Legit? Probably so because if he’s smart he would do everything he mentions because it is a dream situation for him, for it would be like finding that he had a millionaire uncle who died and left him money.
For you as the seller however, it would be like having your house robbed. This is certainly no deal for panty sellers. What this guy is offering is exactly what you could either do yourself with a blog site or on a site like like the difference is that if you do it with your blog or on MUPS, you keep 100% of the sales profits and 100% ownership of your photos and information as opposed to giving a stranger, who does nothing for you, half of everything you make.
Put it this way, if a guy came to you at your job and offered to take 50% of your pay check for the rest of your life in exchange for giving you one nice, new wooden pencil, what would you tell him?
-PK :ohmy:
KeymasterHey Mask Man,
There has to be someone willing to do this, it is not that out there.
Have you considered putting a wanted ad up in the MUPS sales area (
KeymasterThank you for pointing it out, there was a problem with the link, it has been corrected. To class with you 😉
KeymasterSecond Life had a recent policy change on adult content. We had to close the PH in SL build and move to an adult (Zindra) continent. PH is currently being rebuilt in its new location and should be finished fairly soon. When it is done announcements will be made here and the landmarks to the new location will be published.
I published your gallery for you. “Published” means that it will show to other users. You can choose to publish or not publish individual photos, but you can also do this with your entire gallery at once.
KeymasterA big “Thank You!” to Serena for making some updated green Panty Hog banners to match the color theme of the current Panty Hog website :cheer:
See (and feel free to use!) the new green banners HERE.
KeymasterI had a question regarding how you can start a new thread in this changed forum layout. Just click the “Categories” tab at the top of the forum to see the forum as you are used to seeing it. You can then choose a category to post in as normal.