Forum Replies Created
We have a stories area here on Panty Hog. You might want to copy and paste your story in the Panty Hog story section to get double credit and for those who might miss this post.
KeymasterYou don’t need to be selling to post here. Feel free to still come by when you have a chance.
KeymasterIf want to sell an item called: “Pink Thong” for 2000 Lindens. (any amount of Lindens 2000 is an example).
Find the item called “Pink Thong” and a photo/texture of it in your inventory. Then drag these into the vendor’s inventory.
You should have two items in your vendor’s inventory and here is exactly how you would want them named:
Pink Thong   (the item that will be given)
Pink Thong tex (the picture of the item)Now to set the Pink Thong price, rename the Pink Thong to include the price so now you should have exactly this in your vendor inventory:
Pink Thong=2000Â Â (the item that will be given)
Pink Thong tex   (the picture of the item)That’s it your pink thong is now for sale for 2000 lindens. You can add as many items as you like. If you want to have blue thongs too, your vendor contents should look like this:
Pink Thong=2000Â Â
Pink Thong texÂBlue Thong=2000Â Â
Blue Thong texÂAnytime you want to sell something, just drag it and its photo into the vendor and then rename them exactly as above. No quotation marks.
KeymasterI actually didn’t fix what you had, I redid it. You had all kinds of funky stuff going on there with the tables and several empty tables nested in empty tables. I just started a new page. Created a 2 column by 2 row table and copied and pasted the content into each of the four areas the 2 x 2 gave me. ;) PK
I emailed you a revision of your page that should work. Try it out.
😉 PK
KeymasterWhat table border are you trying to hide? The only one I see there is the black border around the “legal mumbo jumbo”. I don’t see anything floating so maybe you have already changed it. One thing I did notice is that your page is very wide which requires you to scroll sideways to see the whole page.
KeymasterJust to be clear, people are welcome to post links here to their auctions at auction sites such as, ebare, ebanned, etc. It is only that particular place that is the problem because of their far less than honest business practices. Members of the used panty community should avoid that place like the plague.
KeymasterDreamweaver is of course the best way to go as part of a serious web site building toolbox, but it does require a commitment to learning to use its functions. I’ve been using it for ten years and am still discovering new things that can be done with it. For most personal html panty sites, it probably is overkill. Front Page is still a good tool for HTML and is easier to use than Dreamweaver. There are several free and opensource HTML editors available (search Google) that should have more than enough functionality for the average panty seller’s site.
KeymasterHi Jazzy,
The avatars are currently limited to 65 x 65 pixels in size. This will change when the site layout is updated. However, in the mean time you can resize those pics you have to fit.
Thank you,
KeymasterHi Kate,
No, you did not miss them. I decided to hold off a bit. Still to come, but it will be well documented so you won’t miss it.
Thank you,
Thanks for not mentioning that spamming jackass auction venue here on Panty Hog. If you sell there, please keep it on your blog. I would actually prefer that you don’t post at Panty Hog about auctions held at that particular auction place since I don’t want Panty Hog users to get the impression that Panty Hog in any way endorses that hole.
Thank you,
After you log in, click on the tab at the top of the page that says “MY STUFF”. This will list your open, closed auctions, bidders, etc. You should leave feedback through that area. How long has it been? Remember, we have a one strike and you’re out policy at The Auctions at Panty Hog. If you IM me with the bidder’s username I will contact them. If that doesn’t work, I’ll delete their account so that they don’t go and stiff someone else.
You’re fine, no worries. The box drops down when it is three days past due is all. We won’t send your stuff back unless its been thirty days, and even then only if we don’t hear back from you. All I ask is that you let us know what is going on just as you have done.
KeymasterThanks Cindy. Panty Hog’s database is backed up twice a day. When it has to be restored as it was on Tuesday, if it’s been a few hours since the back up, we’ll lose a few posts.
PKÂ :smiley6600:
Let your employers know that Panty Hog is a news and education site, not a porn site. I’m sure they’ll unblock us. :buck2: Just kidding, I don’t think it will fly.