Forum Replies Created
I’m just a temporary UK citizen, but as far as I know all kinds of political and economic reasons were given for not embracing the Euro, but what it basically comes down to with most Brits is a reluctance to give up a part of the national identity.
chandiespantiesMemberOne of my good panty girl friends lets hers grow a little in winter. She says “even cooters feel the cold” which really cracks me up! :cheer:
I keep mine smooth and shivering :laugh:
chandiespantiesMemberCSS is way cool. Once you start you’ll never go back. Now that the browsers are starting to get more standards compliant you can even build a whole site with it and actually get it to work! No more tables! Lol! Sorry, I’m such a geek :laugh:
Anyway, I’m sure you’ll work it out. You’re a smart cookie 🙂
Let me know if you need any help!
C x
chandiespantiesMemberBelated Happy Birthdays all round!
chandiespantiesMemberOuch! Poor FireFox! FireFox is very standards compliant which is why you’re maybe getting funny results. The other browsers may be “letting you get away with it” 🙂
Two options…. If you want to continue doing it that way have you tried specifying border=”0″ in the code rather than just switching it off in the editor?
Better still, do you have any CSS experience? (Style Sheets)
Much slicker way of doing it….All you need to do is define a class for the borders like this….
.mypurpleborder { border: solid 1px #8c54b7 }….and apply it to any tables you want to. It will only put a border around the table. Not the individual cells.
I don’t use DreamWeaver so I’m not sure how to apply it in the “point and shoot” part of the program, although I’m sure it’s easy enough. But the table code would end up looking like this :
< table class="mypurpleborder" "blahblahblah">I had a good break thanks! Nice cock at the French doors each morning 🙂 Unfortunately it had feathers, a big red comb on it’s head, and was begging for toast. And it pooped on the patio!? :laugh:
chandiespantiesMemberHey Jess 🙂
Been away…. did you get it sorted?
C x
chandiespantiesMemberWelcome!? 🙂
chandiespantiesMemberHello! and welcome! 🙂
I’m a US girl, but based in the UK.
and Cindy is a UK girl, but based in Germany.
We get around! :laugh:
chandiespantiesMember(Quoted from Contest Description) Nominees for the Golden Panty Award are nominated by their peers and/or fans for having shown exemplary attention to customer service, provided quality products, offered assistance to others, and for having contributed to the general betterment of the used panty community throughout the past year.
I guess I was under the impression that the award was for customer service, and quality products. Which can only be determined by past clients or fans. 🙂
I don’t think the winner should be determined by who has the largest family or group of girlfriends. Votes should be given by those who have had experience with the nominees products or services.
That’s just my opinion…Â 😉
I do agree though that you need to keep IP tracking and etc… to keep voting fare.
chandiespantiesMemberHa! I love it!
“No way am I sticking a lollypop up my butt!”
The link needs an “l” adding to the end of .htm though, or else you get a not found error 🙂
chandiespantiesMemberA big
to you too!
chandiespantiesMemberaw shucks :laugh:
chandiespantiesMemberMmmmm…. huh? What were we discussing? I have no recollection of anything prior to the mud wrestling with Jess part 😉
Oh yeah, PhotoShop and FireWorks…. heh! who cares! Whatever gets the job done! Mud wrestling is way more interesting! Cindy, you need to be the referee. And you’re gonna get dragged in for the final round smt
chandiespantiesMemberWelcome! Good luck with getting yourself started!
Plenty of people here who are happy to help 🙂chandiespantiesMemberFor banners I find Fireworks the best. It’s much better than Photoshop for doing small high impact stuff and a little less fuddy-duddy than the aging Photoshop stuff.
Hehe… fancy a FireWorks vs PhotoShop face off Jess? 🙂
Sorry, but this Adobe groupie just couldn’t let that one slip by!