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MemberI suppose its the diversity of odours that makes caution fly out the window at times, BigDee.I can get a DELICATE aroma at home any time.Plus i don’t think a verified(I think, I was sleepy and groggy from overwork and a pre-sleep smoke)girl would commit panty suicide voluntarily, by advertising “truly” rancid panties as rancid.But stranger things have happened.
MemberAgree. But I think she was only joking, and Hyping up the sniff tension. Trying to show that they were ‘strong’.If she answers I’ll go to her page and look at her wares and set-up. Thank you for the caveat, TH.
MemberWOW!!! seems there is a new stunning Mod here and a real SEXY meat-on-the-bones type too!!!VERRY nice Bratty.I gotta buy by tomorrow Hon.I am a SUCKER for a round pink ass(SHEESH, Maybe my choice of word was a little over the top(hehehe).I Hope these remarks are not taken as mod harassment. The last thing I want is for you to ban me. ALSO I agree with Serena that these ‘sisters’ are fantasing at best. College fees indeed!!!
MemberJust saw this thread. It is HIGHLY UNCOOL, REPREHENSIBLE AND POSSIBLY CRIMINAL to dump shit unconsensually in the goods of the unsuspecting body politic. That is an insane act and could start an epidemic which could wipe out hundreds, if infected with AIDS. Abd what about copycats IN CHOCOLATE FACTORIES? Shit fetishists must have discipline and professionalism. Other than that scat is safest with one’s (non-promiscuous,hahaha) wife or longtime companion, if she is an enthusiast. The worst letdown is if she takes a dump on your chest or…and just after you’e come she starts in seriously berating you about how can you abide such stink?heheheh.However, i saw one pantygirl advertising poo-back panties, and sheeee had her nose /mouth screwed up in mock parody at the smell the customer would receive. That was about the sexiest pic I’ve seen on the HOG for a long time. Pantygirls ROCK for “all seasons”.I deliberately refrained from saying all tastes.
MemberThis is the dumbest mother…… of questions. So dum that I’ll have to preface it with a leetle jokeee to see if that will stop the dumm Police from making an arrest.
The Joak: There was a young Miss from Madras,
who had a most beautiful ass.
Not round and pink, as you probably think,
but grey, with Long ears,and ate grass!
Phew!! the question:I am intrigued by what I fondly imagine is the ferment fermenting beneath that maxi-skirt of yours, beautiful lady(try not to trip on your hem!!!AHEM!!!) I wonder if you have an interest, however slight, in science?Even being able to pronounce the word will give you an A grade!!! If so, Glory Hallelujah, we could meet to discus a BIG BANG?Failing that I would be willing to accept a free 3-day panty.
DO NOT SAY YES TO THAT LATTER.Hahahah. It would SHOCK me to death, and you wouldn’t want to see that happen would you?.ON THE OTHER HAND,you would create a legend in your time,with panty addicts, far or near, singing your praises ceaselessly,and who,like the cherubs round the throne “resteth neither day nor nite”.deepeefan
MemberAdhere closely to the sage advice of the site DIVA Sandykins, diverting neither to the right , nor the left of the main chance. Your photo here encompasses, graphically, with great mental impact, major zones of olfactory (Not to mention visual, LORD!) interest, and so you should be “in the game” on the HOG, as a respected businesswoman.YO!!!
MemberI am not thayin’ at what age, for now. I perthonally have no dethyre to teth the P/HOG for now, hahahah. [Isn’t there a Sticky about underage?] All I will thay is: “The firth thyme Aye thmelled a dirthy thinkin’ gutthet, I kithed over my thrythyckle.WAA, WAA!!!”
“I’m coming dear, your bottle is quite warm now”!!!deepeefan
MemberAWWW!!! and I thought you had had an epiphanic momentary relapse and we underpriviledged fans were in luck, getting ready to flood the moneychangers , and causing overload in the financial system. Ah well!!! all that glisters is not gold, groan, sigh!!!Apart from that, I agree with you completely. I too think its an attempt by some young lady, or worse, male impostor, to pirate your unique brand name.
MemberThere are hundreds of fetishes, but panty sniffing, to me, is the GREATEST and most”natural” if you will. The scent of woman was put there by the mighty Elohim geneticists when creating or rather, innovating, Homo sapiens from an in vitro mix of Elohim sperm and (probably) eggs from a H.erectus female in the African Rift Valley, to work in Iraq(Garden or Steppes of the Edin). LOL.I find panty girls to be HIGHLY SKILLED ARTISTS, adept at raising libido of guys, and girls too hahaha. I use panties to listen to music also , and can feel transcendental standing in the dark at attention at two in the morning with a strong panty on my head/face listening to all kinds of music say Reger’s Intro & passacaglia for organ(many versions are on You Tube), sometimes sobbing with passion at the cleverness of the last variation. This is bad…dilutes the scent and engenders a letdown feeling eventually.hahaha. Sometimes i try to match national odour with the music…SAY, Elgar/Beatles with English pussy aroma WOW OOOOO MY GAWWD!!!Chuck Berry/Jazz with American savory hole etc. LORD.
MemberI took a chance and sniffed in front of hundreds of people recently.REALLY!!! A girl I know well is a piano player/teacher, and I helped her move in to her apartment. I found she was a teaser, laying out sexy things on her bed while my eyes bugged out, especially by the booty riders of which she had several. When i am excited , sometimes I lose focus. I made the hit but she wasn’t up for it , so rashly i told her I was a Panty addict, and took up one of the ass-riders. She laughed like hell, so feeling bold I said “give me the ones you have on”. She looked pensive but didn’t say anything, merely went to the back. in a minute she was back , and still said nothing. I said “I was serious you know. Why don’t you give me those things you’ve had on all day” She replied “they’re in the bath tub”.
Heart beating fast, but trying to appear cool, I sauntered to the bathroom direction, Though wanting to sprint, and picked them up. It was a thong, green with stripes-horizontal I think.We chatted,then went to a Chinese reataurant and had a good time. NOW,for the night of her concert I bought a large handkerchief , turned the thong inside out and haid it in the ‘chief. The hall was half full-about 300 people. Isniffed gusset as she played. When she got up to bow Imade sure she saw me with the handkerchief over my nose as if having the sniffles. It bugged her that first time and I noticed she looked up to the ceiling quickly, and averted her eyes. The next piece was Bach’s French Suites, and she started out a bit unsteadily but recovered well and was really crisp and sharp. That was really fun(for me). HOWEVER, I did not get to fuck her after the concert; her botfriend hung around and I noted, with GREAT sadness, that they both headed for her APARTMENT ARM IN ARM, HAHAHAH!!!WOW!!!deepeefan
MemberJezus C.P. CRYST!!! don’t touch it honey, ‘cept maybe to play with it. Great attitude. Will PM for details.
MemberI have been sniffing seriously since the Devil was in short pants, and was looking forward to his first pair of full length, so as not to be teased in school, but I have only fairly recently been a buyer(about a dozen so far). Formerly, I obtained by “private treaty”(?)…oh, all right then…THEFT. Geezus, there are sooo many unsolved crimes in this world,below the radar!!! AND baffled females who are afraid they may have been by mischevious sprites. hahahah!!!Also from girlfriends, wife,ETC, etc. I must have sniffed (…ah…clear throat, ahem, snort…)quite a ‘phew’. 99% of these were PARADISE to a greater or lesser extent, but the most memorable was fairly (I am minded to take heed of Admin Sticky) JUNG, hahahah.OOOMMMGGG, the gusset was spotted with reddish stains, and some darkish mysterious ones(In the gusset) and was damp from crotch sweat-I suspect after class volleyball(caveat!!! after College class,hahahah). My breath came in short, panting gasps, my eyes bugged out,my mouth went dry, and my heart was racing as if completing the secong marathon of Phedippides, before he collapsed, I became a manufacturer of steel…in my pants,hahahah. If she were slightly less JUNG, I would have married her on the basis of that production, and oddly enough, we later became quite compatible and enjoyed chatting.
MemberI didn’t know this could happen. I thought sellers prepared only AFTER they had the cash, but what do I know? Sometimes I WARN sellers NOT to prepare my order before they get the cash, as I don’t want my name mixed up in a brawl about a woman’s panties esp. WORN PANTIES. Jesus. That’s why I find out if a girl is verified, as I have no intention of being quiet if I lose my money unfairly,either. The only way this aroma business is going to take off it seems, is for the chemists to get into the actHahahah. They could analyse and replicate, EXACTLY, a woman’s odour at all times of month(from every part of the body) and mass produce odour swipes to sell. No threats, no insults no squabbles about money.What about the human touch, the personal contact? Don’t let guys fool anyone. They go back to what they have always done since the GREAT invention of Gussets ,… become CAT(or should i say PUSSY?) Thieves, but instead of Jewels. steal stink. This is my panty philosophy for today. As you can see I did not like the food i had for lunch,hahahah.
MemberThis board is doing nothing to assist me in my resolve to be more “panty” decisive. I’ve ordered recklessly.Its a man’s polygynous paradise. hahahah!!!camgirl kitten, I love your policy & will enter your shop anon.WOW!!!
MemberFetishsexgirl,I’ve sent you a PM. That’s a very erotic pose.Mystery needing a “solution” :Your face is scrunched up like that, why?Jesus! are you smelling something stinky, perhaps?phucck!Is it, perchance,your reeking, stinky, stainy, gussett,(LORD) OR, perhaps, a product of the nether region? ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT, POSE.