Hi all
I’m new to the site so i’m a little hesitant about posting this but here goes…..
I havent had my site running very long but i truly enjoy wearing every pair I sent out and I’ve had no tune smells reported back to me as yet and trust me the day I start making a tuna flaked discharge is the day I seek some serious medical help.
I have to admit though I don’t have a long waiting list as I said I’m new to this and although I already have a few regular buyers I have yet to worry about making people wait.
I just don’t want the guys to think I’m some scammer because I’m new.
At the end of the day the proof is in the pudding as they say and I like to think I’m sweet enough 😉 I haven’t had any complaints yet. I can’t believe some people would stoop to tuna !!!!
x xÂ