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  • in reply to: Where for art thou Sticky Vicky #18195

    That’s the message I’m getting too…

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: People with too much free time #18182

    That sounds really spooky FK. 🙁

    I haven’t used chat programs much myself, but I’ve been in some pretty bizarre conversations in chat rooms on websites.

    Does anyone else read

    Gemma xxoo
    (not really a geek, honest!)

    in reply to: Serena's Panties #18134

    Congratulations Serena, and I agree your photos are gorgeous!

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Clocks going back! #18100

    I remembered, but mine were headed in the other direction. Time to get ready for that damned heat again…

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Pierced Panties open for business #17994

    Oh yes, she says it’s fantastic and she’s had it a while now. I guess mine will have to wait until I can arrange a nice long holiday.

    I can imagine yours would be a lot of fun too… especially if you have someone with imagination and some ribbons. 😉

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Pierced Panties open for business #17972

    Definitely a sexy piercing to have, have you got more than your nipples and clit hood done? I’ve thought about getting a triangle but a friend of mine got one and she said it was tender to walk around for over a month!

    Something to think about when I have time to lay around reading for a while. 😉

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Panty Hog in Second Life Update #17898

    Sounds exciting, I haven’t been in to SL for a while, I’ll have to check it out!

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Well Done Anna! #17864

    I’d just like to add that I think Anna did a great job in that thread, I find things like that all too scary and overwhelming myself and it’s nice that there’s people who are good at responding to that who can set the record straight.

    As for Clark’s comment:
    ‘Its too bad the lure of a few bucks brings all of the socially economic challenged out of the woodwork.’

    I spent three years living on the streets Clark, and my background wouldn’t even qualify for white trash status, so I guess that some of us aren’t judged on how we behave toward others, but on the luck of what we were born into?


    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: A get well soon thread for Mackenzie #17724

    I hope your recovery is short and sweet, and I also hope you got that X-Box you wanted, that’d be the perfect thing to stop you bouncing around too much. 😉

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Legs contest on my blog! #17648

    How about colours/themes? 🙂

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Selling out your buyers? #17558

    How rude, don’t we all get enough emails offering us viagra and penis enlargement, now someone wants to spam panties too?

    Whoever it is I feel sorry for any buyers that come across her, she clearly doesn’t care about their privacy.  :angry:

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Nearly my Birthday #17557

    Happy Birthday Vicky, I hope you have a fabulous day with lots of massages and icecream. 🙂

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Anna's Panty Drawer is Officially Closed #17537

    Wow, I hope you feel like reopening the drawer someday Anna, and best of luck with the thesis. Everyone I’ve known who has done one has had to throw all their energy into it, so it makes sense to make more room for it.

    At least you’ll still be around here though.  🙂

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Bandwith Pic Stealing Site #17534

    PMSL, very nicely done Cindy!

    Gemma xxoo

    in reply to: Favorite Panty Brands #17512

    I hardly even know what brands I’m wearing most of the time because I cut all the tags off as soon as they get home.

    I have found that there’s some groovy ones on Ebay occasionally, like my satin bow panties which are totally cute. It’s a pain wading through all the lingerie that looks exactly the same to find them though.

    Gemma xxoo

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