Forum Replies Created
Memberit seems to be happening all the time over the last 3 days…ill click ‘show unread’ and it gives me the list, i read one post then click it again and theyve all dissapeared!!
Memberaaagggghhhhh!!! Christmas, already!!!! :ohmy: :cheer:
Memberlooks great Isabelle 🙂
Memberwhat does she think about it mike?
Memberthis site is quite interesting too! :cheer:
Memberoh you have an on off one is he or isnt he too Anna?!! i found out mine was living with his girlfiend 8 months after i atarted seeing him, so he has no right whatsoever to tell me what to do regarding panties lolll!! He takes my pics too most of the time, altho my mum has taken a few for me lol, shes fine with it..she thinks its funny more than anything, and most of my friends know too…the only person i wouldnt want to know is my son. and possibly my ive always been daddys little girl lol
Krooze, its ok…he has another gf, so im allowed another bf i think :cheer: :cheer:…maybe ill ask! lmaokellyamiina
MemberHi 🙂 i might have what your looking for..i think you have emailed me already..have to run now but will reply to your mail later
Memberwhat are you doing coming all over Cliff Richard?! Does he mind?? :cheer: :cheer:
MemberHi and welcome Lily ! 🙂
MemberHappy Birthday PK!! 🙂
Memberworks for me too..and plenty loud enough 🙂
Memberi think the smoking thing thats been mentioned is only true to a certain extent…im a smoker, but i dont often smoke in the house, and i know for a fact my hair clothes etc, and especially my panties do not smell of smoke at it all depends on the amount you smoke, if you smoke in the house al the time, as to wether your clothes etc will smell of smoke
MemberHi leveled and welcome!!! bb
Memberlmao lmao lmao
Memberhi Tabitha…i think its prolly not just a case of you being a smoker or your size, maybe some people, as anna said, prefer smaller women and some non smokers, but i think everyone gets requests and then no reply..i do all the time, there are prolly lots of reasons, they run out of money, theyre a first time buyer and decided not to go ahead, the wife saw the email lol,they found someone cheaper ( men can be very cheap!!) etc dont worry about it..itll all come together soon 🙂