its not all the time…quite often my panties are wet..but then quite often they are dry too..i spose that also depends on lots of different things…after all we’re arent robots!
yeah i did block him…i dunno bout the photo id, alot of people dont have webcams, and i supose they could show anyones id anyway, i just figure, if they have the money and ways of paying, they should be old enough…hopefully!! :unsure:
i didnt quite understand that last part of your post anna..maybe im just stupid lol..but if im wearing panties all day, even if i masterbate, anything in my panties quite often still dries..maybe thats just me! :laugh:
very interesting one! im not takin any contraceptives, when i masturbate its usually clear, and not thick, but my normal discharge etc is more white, and occasionally can be thick…maybe different times of month??
nooooooooo dont quit!!
im sure itll all start to happen soon, do you sell on ebanned or ebare? if not give that a go, even if you dont sell straight away itll get you noticed more…theres always more things u can try..if you have messenger add me if u like and we can have a chat sometime..kellyamina32 on yahoo or on msn 🙂
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