Forum Replies Created
MemberGreat idea extending the awards out PK, this sounds like a lot of fun, and I hope everyone has a lot of fun nominating and voting .. registered members only to vote, I trust? 😉
Best of luck to all nominees, and lets see those nominations, there are soooo many GREAT sellers on Panty Hog that I’m sure this is going to be a close run thing.? So let’s see those nominations folks? 🙂
MemberGood posts Krooze, it always pays to check things out and take your time before buying, ulitmately it’s you and the seller that have to come to an agreement. And it’s the buyer’s repsonsibilty to be sure they want to buy and feel comfortable doing so.
That is brilliant Jess, bloody hell karen, almost makes fish oil seem better? :ohmy:
lmao? lmao
MemberBest of luck to you and your other half with the auction site Lizzie
MemberSorry to here you are finding unfriendly sellers newbie3, um just a thought though .. you’re not detailing your request as per your first post are you?
I ask simply because most panty sellers are just that, they are not escorts, so approaching a seller to meet for sex will undoubtedly upset them as some of the replies to your first post indicated.
Best of luck in finding a non sourpuss seller, there are plenty, mostly advertising and posting here.
October 18, 2005 at 7:26 pm in reply to: Here is a suggestion for you and the rest of the perverts #4547leatherznzpice
Memberum it’s not what you think, honest? :cheer:
Just nursing the last of the flu, this thread has got me LMFAO so it’s doing me wonders lmao
October 18, 2005 at 7:09 pm in reply to: Here is a suggestion for you and the rest of the perverts #4544leatherznzpice
Member[quote author=Cindy_PantyParadise link=topic=525.msg3156#msg3156 date=1129662044]
P.s.? ?Forgot to mention where the hell did you make the connection about enjoying worn panties and sniffing and licking dogs asses:huh:?
Or shouldnt I ask:huh:?Maybe you are the one more guilty than any of us?
Cindy!! stop I’m spluttering all over my keyboard, and it’s not nice lmao
Member:ohmy: opposite of DDR?? OMG do Packard Bell know what they’re talking about lmao sorry Jess, I suspect you’re right about PB keeping you buying their overpriced memory grrrrrr
MemberHiya Jess,
just had a look at the memory you need for your PC and it’s 184-Pin PC2700 (333MHz) DIMM.
The Amazon stuff you’ve linked to / bought is 184-Pin PC2100 (266MHz) DIMM.
The 2 are different, you need the higer speed stuff for your PC, you probably won’t break your computer (notice I say probably? 😉 ) but it may not like the lower speed memory and will just *beep* if it doesn’t!
I suspect this is what you need for your ‘puter 🙂
October 18, 2005 at 5:05 pm in reply to: Here is a suggestion for you and the rest of the perverts #4535leatherznzpice
I have a feeling this will be a short lived post dude, mind you it made me piss myself laughing? lmao
So um, how did you find this site, in between reading your Bible huh?
Don’t judge us for your guilty feelings, just delete this site from your bookmarks and I’m sure your God will forgive you? 🙂
edited to say I hope this post doesn’t get deleted . .this gets top marks for making me laugh while battling the flu
Memberlmao I don’t think you have too much competition Jazzy, you are definitely the joke meister on Panty Hog? 🙂
HAHAHHAA smart thinking on the call back Jazzy lmao
Darn I forgot about the waffles too :ohmy: hahaha
MemberWOW we are late Jazzy, how remiss of us, it was great chatting with you all on Sunday.
LOL I don’t think you need much technical help now Jazzy, you’re getting the hang of it now and will be helping others soon 🙂
MemberLMAO good one Jazzy, keeps me smiling? lmao
OK here’s a couple of ones for you
What’s the difference between a girlfriend and wife? 45 lbs.
What’s the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? 45 mins.
What is it when a man talks dirty to a woman? Sexual Harassment.
What is it when a woman talks dirty to a man? ?3.99 a minute.
How can you tell if your wife is dead? The sex is the same, but the dishes pile up.
How can you tell if your husband is dead? The sex is the same, but you get the remote control.
How many men does it take to change a light bulb? None, they just sit there in the dark and complain.
What’s the fastest way to a man’s heart? Through his chest with a sharp knife.
Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring and
good-looking? Because those men already have boyfriends.What is a man’s view of safe sex? A padded headboard.
How do men sort their laundry? Filthy” and “Filthy but Wearable”
What’s the difference between a new husband and a new dog? After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.
What makes men chase women they have no intention of marrying? The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving.
as you say Jazzy, it’s good to laugh? :cheer:
MemberI’ve voted to keep the karma + / – but change it to show the username who added the + / – and show a field for an explanation of why.
Like others, I thought the karma function was a bit of fun as a lot of other rating functions were on the Gallery and Stories etc. I find it sad that a very few feel the need to hit things without giving a reason.
My prediction is the smiting will stop if or when the changes take place; those who smite with the karma rarely have the ‘cojones’ to say things outright and prefer to hide in anonymity. We live and learn on Panty Hog and PK tweaks things as needed. I think it makes for a more open forum.
So if anyone has an issue with another member or post, I’d rather see them say so in a PM to the person or as post in reply in the forum. Of course if the thread gets ‘flamey’ I or one of the other Mods will have no hesitation in deleting the thread.
Lets keep to reasoned and mature points of view, it’s ok to disagree with someone as long as you can see their point of view and respect their right to have it.
Memberlmao nice one Jazzy