Forum Replies Created
MemberI wondered how long it would be before some twat decided to start the downrating game.
This always seems to happen when something new is added to a site. And never a comment left from whichever member voted, it’s a bit of fun, but obviously some people think it’s some kind of top list.
Hot or Not is meant to be a bit of fun, if you don’t like a picture leave a comment with your rating, at least have the guts to say what you think and not be anonymous. But then, whoever you are, you don’t want to be exposed as a twat do you?
There are always one or two asshats who just can’t act like adults.
MemberYou might look on ebanned, I think she sells there?
MemberRespeck an chill Cins, sort out da bling bling lmao
*I feel almost sorry for anyone trying to post anything remotely sensible here this morning*Â lmao
MemberMassive Respeck Cins!, you iza real fit bird no wot ah mean innit eh? 😉
I ‘as to smoke less of da herb, dat way I be gettin me normal speech basck innit, peace Boyakasha! aiii! :ohmy:
Memberok dis is a site about da homeboy Ali G, massive respeck! aiiii!! Boyakasha!
Visit an’ get clued in about de main man of da West Staines Massiv, massiv respeck! :ohmy:
hmm me tinkin da Ali G be gettin low on material, and he put ‘is Julie up to dis innit!
Boyakasha, respec an all, me can see it now, Da Ali G does de in depth report on dis Panty Sellin lark innit eh?
If he an de West Staines Massiv want a reaction from de girl Cindy why dont dey just ask de girl to come on de show and tell it how it is innit?
Boyakasha, respec innit!
Memberjustcarp_21 I’ve edited out the unneccessary foulmouthed comments in your post here. As to your previous post, I can state that no moderator has deleted your post. I suspect that it has been deleted by the site admin (the top dog!).
You are more than welcome to post here, just keep a check on your language. Since only a few people on Panty Hog will be aware of anything going on at Ebanned, I suggest you don’t flame people without any proof. I don’t know the story either way, however, if the moderators or admin see flame posts on Panty Hog rest assured they will be edited or deleted.
There are perhaps other more tactful ways of making your point.
MemberGlad to hear you’re ok Cindy, and good of you to pass the warning on to other sellers here.
I know it was Full Moon last week, it really brings the asshats out in force, and from the sound of it you got the sh*ty end of the stick with that guy.
MemberThe Picture Gallery is now called Media Gallery, the link to Create/Edit Media Gallery is the one you want. The icons, once you’re in there, will be greyed out until you hover your mouse pointer over them then they change colour and a tool tip should show what the icon does. If none of these things happen then PK will have a look when he’s free I’m sure.
It should be much the same thing with the Add Story/Blog Entry on your User Menu.
If you have no icons etc and they don’t do anything, then your user privilges may be needing tweaked :ohmy: No doubt PK (admin) will have a look to make sure your privilges are tweaked properly *ahem* :rolleyes:
For profile pics, it may be that the pic you are trying to submit for your avater is too large, or again your privilges may not be set exactly right.
Hang in there ladies, and keep trying, and welcome to Panty Hog 🙂
MemberWelcome to Panty Hog Andy1987 I’m not sure what your post adds to the question on payment processors, but um welcome anyway 😉
MemberHey Steve welcome to Panty Hog!
I just caught your review and obviously it looks clear and concise now. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience, and good to see you’ve got some good advice from Allura about contacting Laura. It may help, may not, but keep us posted 🙂
Bummer about being caught by the Gatso, bloody things!!
MemberAnna :cheer: at your reply
Whirlygirl this topic has been discussed before here’s a link to the original discussion Sending Panties by Mail etc, Legality of
The search button (third button on the top row) is useful for finding oif topics have been discussed before. Just type say legal or illegal etc into the serch box and view the results.
Welcome to Panty Hog and enjoy yourself Whirlygirl
MemberHi PK,
just to add to the see / not see discussion. I’m in Europe and can see the chat and menus ok :) SO I don’t think it’s a US / Rest of World thing.