Forum Replies Created
MemberHAHAHA much better PK! I love the inclusion of the bags of panties and used panties is great, and he looks like a happy hog :cheer:
MemberOINK! B) I like it hahahha
MemberDarcy: YAY you got your avatar back hehehe? :cheer: well done PK!
And Pink plays the piano with her legs:huh: :unsure: hehehe I think the legs make a great screen saver Pink? 😉
Member😉 lol I had to try out putting a link to other areas in the forum etc PK, and glad to help out, there are some useful pointers in the help file.
I see we now have the ability to see what users are reading on the new forum, I always wondered what all the guests were doing on the site and now we can see? :cheer:? maybe I should make a small screen capture and make a ‘hey you guests, join the forum!’ post? :cheer:
MemberYAY hehehe glad you got your legs back Champers, they re too good to be missing? 😉
Well done PK for finding them? :cheer:
we’ve went off topic Steven, but hey a ladies legs are important? :cheer:
Talking of which, I think we need to find Darcy’s avatar? as it’s showing as a red x? 🙁
moondog makes a good point, there is a world of difference between ‘peed’ in panties and ‘ejaculated’ in panties!
In truth not many women ejaculate, or rather they are conditioned not to since the sensation prior to ejaculating is very like needing to pee :ohmy:
The difference in scent is obvious, stale pee = amonia
True female ejaculate = earthy and very musky!As Darcy mentioned female ejaculate is a clear liquid, she says sweet which is right, though to me that means musky and very horny :cheer:
I saw on http;//www.pantyparadise.co.uk that Cindy is testing ejaculate panties as she has learned to do it. Might be opwrth keeping an eye on the site for when she offers them .. or email her as I see she is sending a few out.
MemberHey sue,
Lost isn’t showing in the UK as yet, so no theories from me as to where it is set. I had a look and found a few websites with lots of theories though, from what I read the series seems to be really good so I hope some of the UK channels grab it and show it, as always we’ll be a bout 1 or 2 series behind :laugh:
But what’s your own take on where the Island is? And are the characters dead? or being given a second chance?
MemberHi judy,
the marquee text works fine 🙂
the flash code needs a web link or url to a flash animation normally ending with a .swf file extension, and the url code needs a web address or url :cheer:
MemberDarcy ouch! :laugh: yeah I can’t quiet understand the love of G Strings LMAO the idea of them brings tears to my eyes too, and I’ve never worn them! :laugh:
I’m sure all the sellers here can produce wonderfully cummy panties, though depending on postal service etc they might not arrive soaking as you want.
Ad both Ms Champagne and Darcy say ‘ejaculation’ panties might be your best bet as they tend to be truly soaked :laugh:
And Darcy, half the fun is in ‘practicing’ hehehe :laugh:
MemberLOL so I voted full backs, though I’d have to say ‘All of the Above’ would have been a truer vote HAHAHA :laugh: