Forum Replies Created
How’s the Guest Book trawling going Judy? :laugh:
And have the new sellers learned another lesson .. switch off email address display on your Guestbooks? lmao
I don’t think it was just words or statements taken randomly. It was wholesale lifting of forms and questions and answers, you name it!
The site designer simply took someone else’s work and plugged it in to create a ‘new’ site. I thought Cindy would end up helping Miami, that’s the kind of person she is.
I think the term we are really looking for is plagiarism, it’s theft and it’s stupid. Sure it’s the easy way to build a site fast, but it looks like crap when you take a well known site and copy from it and do it badly.
Take a look at other threads where the ladies who work there butts off building sites have spotted plagiarism from a new seller. In most cases when all comes out, it’s a case of new sellers being fobbed off with plagiarised sites by some lazy designer .. well it’s an easy few hundred bucks isn’t it?
Miami’s site is beginning to look more like her own creation now, still a way to go but looking better and reflecting a bit more of her own style and personality.
MemberGood poll Karen probably a comedy, maybe a romantic comedy though .. depends 🙂
MemberNice move PK, nothing untoward happening for me as I test things out B)
Nice additions to the Media Gallery, I particularly liked the Classical Guitar piece on the demonstration sound file 😉
Krooze! That happened to you too? Wow the first time that happened to me I put it down to thoughtlessness, the second time though I began to suspect something lmao
ps nice spell checker on posting .. or did I miss that before lmao
MemberOther than Bank transfer, Cash or Cheques etc or trying Alertpay there isn’t much at the moment.
But from PK’s (admin’s) post it might pay to keep your eyes out for on news items in future on Panty Hog .. no I don’t know anything more, but I ‘feel’ there may be news in the future.
MemberWell spotted Joe and I see that the FAQ page she has is a reduced version of the one Cindy has, heck she even takes her own pictures and has a fantastic camera with a tripod um almost word for word as Cindy has :rolleyes: Actually a LOT of her Miami’s wording is um still almost exactly the same :ohmy:
Maybe she’s about to update the whole site of course and we should wait and see if it changes more? Or maybe she thinks, sod it I can do what I want, Cindy bought the ‘friend’ story?
I tend to think the latter, but we’ll see ..
Taking word for word from other established sites is NOT the way to get a good reputation Miami!
MemberOK once I stopped lmao I thought I’d post my two cents worth.
JimmyP what the hell are you doing? If this is a wind up then April 1st is fucking ages away yet you prat!
If it isn’t a wind up then WELL DONE, you’ve just made the panty buying community even MORE aware of scammers like you selling sweaty bollock knickers and trying to pass them off as perky suzies sweet pussy scented delights (sorry if there are any REAL perky suzies out there).
MemberAwwww huge leatherz bear hug for you Cherie smt
MemberNot really NO!
Maybe you should find an anime forum and post there, this is a forum primarily about used panties et al, see it’s called usedpantyportal in the url .. hope this clears things up 🙂
MemberLMAO well IÂ seem to recall if moonshine doesn’t make you even temporarily blind then it’s not ready, same with good poteen or illicit whisky lmao
The phone is in the corner and there are tabs / slates with all the local fast food delivery places, just give ’em a call and order what you need .. it’s paid for by the $7.5 million legacy left to The Right Reverend PK lmao mind you PK doesn’t know that yet, so maybe best not to mention it to him 😉
MemberHi Morgan,
as Karen said don’t use Paypal
You may want to read over the information on Panty University as there is a lot of good advice there for new sellers.
MemberSure feel free to go through all the avatars and decide which one is the best, as the new person here it’s your task if you want it :cheer:
MemberHi Sassy and Jess,
you may want to do some digging on Gottapay on google, lots of bad reports :( Epassporte is something like Ikobo was, clients have to join and fund their account from their credit card, and sellers have to join and get Visa Card / Electron card to withdraw from bank machines etc.
Your mileage may vary, but do your ‘due dilligence’ work ladies 😉
Oh the variations on the advanced fee fraud aka the Nigerian Scam or 419 scam, I used to about 10 a day to my yahoo email lmao
It is indeed a scam Cindy and Clark, but the variations in them are wonderfully inventive. Some people have taken up the sport of baiting these scammers and entering into email correspondence with them and getting them to send pictures of themselves holding silly signs etc etc see this site for examples Baiting the Scammers :cheer:
If you do get these type of emails, read them, laugh out loud and delete .. or bait them of course HAHAHAHA
GO Cindy!! get those press releases out, I’ll add the feeds to my rss reader lol
Oh Athame and Stang at midnight on a waning Moon Cinds, can’t beat it for removing angst lmao
And something positive will come out of this I’m sure