Forum Replies Created
MemberIt was about the fund i have for reviewing. At the moment thats all i`m saying.
Member:blink: you need to update your fleet? never heard a panty collection called that before 😉
I`m sure the guys will be intrested in helping you with dispose your current fleet which i might add is a rather sexy fleet 😉Mike
Memberwell done Mr E, sending a pat on the back for all you have done
MemberSerena wrote:
You can get verified there?????????
Jeezz, imagine the criteria:
are you thick?
are you going to scam buyers?
is your real name Frank?Great! You’re in!
That and i believe a face picture so that the “admins” can prev over with the promise that they will delete said picture after. That’s if you can believe that!!! :laugh:
MemberJust writing up the list of who`s taking part in this FUN contest and will post it some time tomorrow on my blog in the hope that it will make it a little easier with your guesses 😛
MemberI think your find that sexyamateur has gone and got herself verified on that “other” dodgey site and NOT via Panty Trust. But i could be wrong, if so, sorry.
Memberadmin wrote:
Hi All,
For those that had issues with slowness, display problems, etc. after the changeover to the updated site…are things working okay now? Is anybody still experiencing problems or slowness?
PKApart from a little slowness every now and then, every thing is great this end, all pages and links show up lovely
MemberHopefully by the end of next week i will be able to post one or two seller reviews who i have purchased items from via the fund. The reason its taking so long to apply is that i have to consider just who i decide to buy and review from, in that i have to double check that they are linking back to PH as started in my post when listing on the sellers directory.
I did state that i would be the one to contact the seller(s) but if you feel that you should be included then by all means PM me via here, after all as you girls often say, i can either say yes or no 😛
MemberIts when you hit the exit link on your front page, other wise every thing else is ok as far as i can tell.
MemberMaybe you should your link as it played merry hell with my PC!!!! make me thing that all is not right!
MemberThe entries are coming in lovely. My thank`s to you girls 😉
Its looks like i will be starting the FUN contest on Monday (14th) with a post on Sunday which will have the names of those who are taking part so as to make it a little easier for you to guess B):kiss:
Memberadmin wrote:
It brings back memories of watching re-runs of it when I was a kid and oogling all of the hot women in those sexy 1960’s outfits.
Me TOO!!!Oh those mini skirts :woohoo:
MemberOh thats unless you have a link for B5? :silly:
Thanks for that link PK, I know what i`ll be watching tomorrow 😉mikeguk
MemberSerena wrote:
There seem to be a growing number of sellers signing up for the directory without a link back to the Hog…
PK, is there anything we could do to remind them?
It seems that new sellers can`t read or cannot be bothered to check about the conditions for listing on the seller`s Directory! :angry: Gee its so simple, all that’s is asked is that they link back to PH from there own site and that’s so easy to do after all.
Maybe all new listing should be put on a pending list and checked out before they are approved? -