Hiya sweetie, welcome 🙂
MUPS is a great place, full of lovely friendly people. I would definatly recommend joining up if you can. Ther are places on MUPS for you to sell your panties, chat to people, wtite blogs and a great Forum full of great information.
It is $10.99 to join but this is for a full year and you get $5.00 of this added to your site to be used towards buying or selling panties.
check out this link for more info. or if you have anymore questions just ask 🙂 http://www.myusedpantystore.com/m/membership/index
Pantydeal is an awesame marketplace, where over 30.000 buyers and sellers of used panties find together! All are welcome! The Site has so much to offer to members. It is really the best website to […]